Just a quick post to show off some rather cool photos that were sent to me by a good friend from L.A. who bought the new book. I am sorry to say that I, myself, am yet to visit L.A. - but it is nice to see that my books get to do a bit of sightseeing in their new homes. Thank you, Dominic McCauley for taking all these photos! Hopefully I can come visit my book one day soon! :)
Whilst we are considering L.A. and all the stars that can be found there I thought this gave me the perfect idea of which poem from the new book: DO YETI WEAR PYJAMAS? that I should post here. It's called FAMOUS PEOPLE ARE A PAIN IN THE ARSE - but, of course, does not refer to the genuine stars that are featured on the streets of L.A. - more the Z-listers that are continually pushed our way these days. I hope you enjoy both the poem and the new photos.
In further news I have been busy compiling THE YETI MACABRE, which features some new short stories, scripts and some of my more curious poetic endeavours. I have also been working on a lot of poems over the last few weeks - titles include: THE MEN IN WHITE COATS ARE MY FRIENDS, RESPECTABLE TEXTS and THE CUTEST ONE IN THE BAND amongst others.More soon!
Massive yeti hugs,
Paul xxx
I am sick of the famous…
They're a pain in the arse!
They think they're better than us –
But most simply lack class!
I'm so sick of their hairstyles…
Yes, I'm sick of their sneering…
Oh so sick of their chat;
When in HEAT they're appearing!
They all drive me insane!
They must all take the blame…
Botox messed with their brains –
'Til they forgot their own name!
Oh, why don't they feck off –
So we don't have to see them…
Despite what everyone says –
I would not want to be them…
I'm so sick of the famous –
Can't we send them away?
Give them all one way tickets –
Out to Mars or Bombay...
I am sick of the famous –
They're a pain in the neck!
They emerge out of rehab –
Yet they still look a wreck!
Then they make their confessions –
So we all have to hear 'em!
Why can't we just feed them –
Some dead poisonous serum!?
Oh, why can't we just bury them –
Deep down under the ground?
Shhh… And not tell a soul!
So, they'll never be found!
Oh, why don't they feck off?
They're a cause for concern!
No-one cares for them now –
But seems they never will learn!
I'm so sick of the famous –
And the floozies they bed!
I hear eight out of ten folk –
Would prefer they were dead!
I am sick of the famous –
They're a pain in the butt!
They just fill up the gutters –
They are all off their nut…
They have nothing to say –
That the world needs to hear!
How I laugh when I see –
That they're living in fear!
With the Paps on the door –
For another sound bite!
See them craving the fame –
Like moths burnt by the light…
Oh, why don't they fuck off?
I care not what they've felt!
I care not what they've suffered –
I live in hope they might melt!
I'm so sick of the famous –
And with all of their moaning!
It is they who have sinned –
But it is us who's atoning!
FAMOUS PEOPLE ARE A PAIN IN THE ARSE is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2010 and is from the new collection DO YETI WEAR PYJAMAS? All photos Copyright Dominic McCauley, 2010.