Saturday, May 01, 2021



Hello beasties!

This time on the blog we're looking back at the episodes that we released during April 2021!

First up, Paul and Nick head back to their childhood's to discuss a magazine that they both enjoyed! 



Here we are for episode 423! This time on the show we head back to 2020 to share with a show that we saved from one of our mega recording sessions during the summer. Nick is back and we're discussing a magazine that was part of many of our youths here in the UK... it was called Look-In and it was about TV, music and all sorts of goings on! Listen as we share our memories of it during the 70s and early 80s. Our next edition will be episode  #424... and we're still not completely sure what we're hoping to release next! You'll just have to wait and see! Until next time then!! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode - except for the advert clips - are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 423 was recorded on the 8th of August 2020.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Our next episode this blog-post was what was originally our March Chatterbox episode, which ended up getting promoted to the position of Easter Special because it took a while to edit...



Here we are for episode 424! Shy Yeti's Chatterbox is back... and yes, it is a little late... It should have been our March edition - but it's been promoted to the position of Spring Special instead... Nobody will mention it though because they didn't know when it was recorded and Easter / Spring is barely even referred to... Shhh... Just enjoy the episode, can't you!? This edition we discuss the TV that was big in 1971, including one of Mr Yeti's favourite actors. There are also a couple of flashbacks to earlier episodes along the way! We also have a great line-up... Andrew and Lisa from Round The Archives, Martin Holmes from Vision On Sound, Toppie Smellie from The Smellcast - not to mention our own show regulars Yeti Uncle John and Cromitty! Our extra material features chat between Wifey Jo and Calum, plus a brief out-take from our recent show number 419, also starring Mister Smellie; not to mention a quick dip into the archives. Our next episode, #425 sees us catching up with Yeti Uncle John's latest hobby... Oh dear... Here we go again!! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 424 was recorded on the 20th March 2021, with extra material recorded earlier this year.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up - Yeti Uncle John is back with a new hobby and further yeti mischief!



Here we are for episode 425! This time we join Paul and the gang as they face-up to Yeti Uncle John's latest craze... Magpie-fancying! It's like pigeon-fancying only far more dangerous - not to mention much flappier and squarkier! It has to be said that there is definitely some doubt, based on previous experience, that this new venture is going to end very badly... but we'll just have to listen and see, I guess! This episode we also have some Sutton Park clips from June 1996 (#1422-1424) which feature Trowby getting extremely cross with Paul... It does seem that Paul probably deserves it, though, to be fair! Our next episode, #426 sees us catching up with Martin Holmes again to discuss the big hits of 1967 on both sides of the pond! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Our sound effects are by Paul Chandler and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 425 was recorded between the 4th and 8th of February 2021.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up we're heading back to the 60s again to discuss the big hits of 1967!



Here we are for episode 426! This time on the show Martin Holmes is back with us to discuss some of the big hits of 1967 on both sides of the pond. Ikk is also back, of course, to give his unique renditions of some of these classics! Our next episode #427 sees us heading to Round The Archives University for some much-needed education! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 426 was recorded between the 2nd and the 9th of January 2021. Cuthbert's brief contribution was recorded on the 18th April 2021.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up we're heading back to University... Round The Archives University, as it happens! Get ready to learn stuff... It'll definitely be an education!



Here we are for episode 427! This time get ready to head back to school to join us at The Open Universe University - full of some of the best minds from The Shy Life Podcast and Round The Archives! We welcome back Andrew and Lisa two of our top lecturers - not to mention seeking help from our show regulars... This time around we'll be learning all sorts of lessons - from history, to science to... well, you'll just have to listen and see! We also have some hairy clips from episodes 1194 and 1195 of Sutton Park from early 1996. Our next episode, #428 sees us heading out into space with Paul and Ryan to help out with an extra-special art exhibition far up in space which includes many of August Evans' extraordinary portraits! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Special effects are by Paul Chandler and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 427 was recorded between the 6th and 7th February 2021.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up... We're back up in space - and we're also joined again by our favourite Canadian; it's Comic-book Ryan!



Here we are for episode 428! This time on the show it's all hands on deck as August Evans is about to have his first art exhibition up on Ganymede; one the moons of Jupiter... How will it go? Who will show up to help Paul? Well, Ryan from Canada - our comic-book loving pal joins us; not to mention Nick G and Toppie Smellie and his gang! Our next episode, #429 sees us catching up with Nick again to play a little word association game... What ever kind of memories might that dig up!? Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All sound effects are by Paul Chandler and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 428 was recorded between the 13th February and 6th March 2021. Cuthbert's cameo was recorded between the 25th and 26th April 2021, with other cameos recorded during Spring 2021.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Our last episode of April is all about words - and Nick is back to help us discuss them!



Here we are for episode 429! This time on the show Paul and Nick catch-up and they have a new idea for the show... Paul presents some randomly selected words to see what manner of chatter can be generated from them... We also have a short quiz with last episode's guest, Canadian Ryan! Our next episode, #430 sees the return of Cuthbert... Bettina needs help around the house and our robotic pal is keen to assist! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 429 was recorded between the 7th and 10th of April 2021. The quiz with Canadian Ryan is a left-over section of episode 428 and was recorded on the 6th March 2021. Cuthbert also appears briefly and recorded his cameo on the 28th April 2021.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


That's all for now - we have lots of exciting episodes planned in May - and it's also the 5th anniversary of the show! Don't miss out...

Take care - more soon,

Yeti hugs,

Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx


May is here now and we have lots of new episodes in the pipe-line! Our schedule list does tend to change every time I post, but right about now this is a pretty good guide to the episodes that we are hoping to release over the next few months; not to forget our monthly "chatterbox" episode recorded LIVE! Anyway - take a look at what else we have in store...

** 430. Bettina And Cuthbert The Robot Butler!

This episode sees Paul visiting Bettina only to find out that the house has recently become robotically automated and Cuthbert is moonlighting as her butler. All this and we have some recent chatter with some of our regular guests saved over from late last year.

** 431. The Big Hits Of 1995!

Paul and Leigh discuss some of the big hits of 1995 on both sides of the pond!

** 432. Jay and Ryan Get Comic!

Jay and Ryan join Mr Yeti for a fun chat about comic-books! Let's get them quizzed up too!

433. A Good Time For A Quiz!

Paul and Calum team up again for more quizzes left over from their regular chats in late 2020!

** 434. Shy Yeti's Second First And Last!!

Paul and Nick cast their minds back to select more personal first and lasts!

435. The Shy Life Podcast 5th Anniversary Special!

We're celebrating 5 Years Of The Shy Life Podcast... Can you believe it!?!

436. Yeti Uncle John: Magpie-Fancier - Spreads His Wings!

Yeti Uncle John's Magpie-fancying has gotten out of hand - so Paul calls Albert The Dragon in to give him some tuition - although Albert's experience with phoenixes only confuses matters!

437. Haunt-club And The Eight-legged Gossip! 

During A Visit Jay and Ikk are able to communicate with Jay's eight-legged family member... but that is just the beginning of the surprise! (She is also good at quizzes!!) Ikk also arranges for Jay to achieve one of his greatest wishes - to meet a real living dinosaur! What on earth could go wrong?

(**) 438. Nick And Paul's TV Chat! (A Flashback To September 2020!) 

This time we're looking back a few months to September 2020 - to see how then compares with now. Nick and Paul chat about some recently watched TV and also about their friends - with a few clips from Sutton Park to stir it all around!

**439. Shy Yeti's Home Sweet Home!

Nick and Paul share some stories about the many homes they've had over the years!

440. The Continuing Mysteries Of Ethel The Landlady!

Mr Trowbridge has found more evidence concerning Ethel The Landlady... Might it finally be time to ask Ikk to return us to 1992 so that we can speak with the lady herself!?

441. Shy Yeti's Chatterbox - June 2021

Mr Yeti opens his 6th Chatter-box for 2021 - with hopefully a number of very special special guests!

** 442. Eurovision From A UK Perspective!

Nick and Paul discuss the different songs that the UK have entered in the Eurovision Song Contest over the last 60 plus years; some did very well - some achieved nil points or avoided the charts!

** 443. Those Were The Days... We Remember!

Paul and Nick discuss some of the big events that have occurred during their lifetime and if they remember them!

** 444. Behind The Scenes - Fiction Within Fiction!

Paul looks back at how he used to film Sutton Park behind the scenes on some of Nick's films - with clips from both Tide Of Freedom and Evil Trophy and the equally as dramatic Sutton Park episodes recorded during these productions.

** 445. Nick's Very Special Ray Phase Shift Episode!

Nick tells us all about his Dr Who tape-zine RPS which he ran in the late 80s into the 90s.

** 446. Regrets Etc. (Part 1)

Paul and Nick consider their regrets in life - would they have done anything differently?!

447. Ikk And Andrew's Big Day Out!

Trowby and Ikk take a space-ship to Venus to do some scientific experiments - meanwhile back at the flat Nick and Jo have shown up to discuss another old Dr Who story from 1979! Paul really enjoys a chat, but this time he wishes that he'd gone up into space!

448. Shy Yeti's Second Revealing Charity Event!

Last year Paul and the gang removed their clothes for charity - this year they're putting it all back on again!

449. Shy Yeti's Chatterbox - July 2021

Mr Yeti opens his 7th Chatter-box for 2021 - with hopefully a number of very special special guests!

450. Shy Yeti's Miscellaneous Poetting!

Cuthbert goes back into the archives to explore more select nuggets from some of Paul's poetry videos!

451. The Hidden Truth Of The Shy Life Podcast

We answer listener's questions about The Shy Life Podcast? If we can get any...

** 452. Behind The Scenes - Filming In The 90s / 00s!!

Paul looks back at how he used to film Sutton Park behind the scenes on some of Nick's films - with clips from Nick's from the 90s/00s and what Paul was recording too. 

** 453. The Big Hits Of 1968!

Paul and Martin discuss some of the big hits of 1968 on both sides of the pond!

454. The New Caretaker / "Where's Me Booook!?"

With Toby busy with work and Paul spending all hours editing podcasts, things have gotten a little untidy during lock-down and so Bettina gives Paul the details of a caretaker who used to work on her Estate... It seems like a good idea until it becomes evident that this gentleman swings from being extremely lazy to shoveling every last thing into a bin bag... What ever will happen when he reaches the basement and finds all the tat in Cromitty's laboratory; what will happen to all those priceless Sutton Park tapes? For that matter will Cuthbert make it through the night!?!

455.The Revenge Of Robot Big Fatty! 

The inner personality of Robot Big Fatty returns to cause us much concern! What has he been up to? Maybe Mr Trowbridge and Lisa can help educate him at Round The Archives University?

** 456. I'm Ready For My Close-up, Mr Yeti! (A Trio Of Film Years #2)

Paul and Nick, with help from Cromitty, discuss MORE  films from three random years!

457. Shy Yeti's Chatterbox - August 2021

Mr Yeti opens his 8th Chatter-box for 2021 - with hopefully a number of very special special guests!

** 458. The Big Hits Of 1969!

Paul and Martin discuss some of the big hits of 1969 on both sides of the pond!

** 459. Word Association Memories 2

Paul and Nick return to play a random word game to see what strange memories might be unearthed!

** 460. The Big Hits Of 1970!

Paul and Martin discuss some of the big hits of 1970 on both sides of the pond!

### Additionally:

Episodes that may or may not make it to us one of these days...

### The Curse Of The Halloween Machine!

This will probably be our Halloween episode for 2021 - it relates to a machine that first appeared during episode 400... with more story attached this time!

### You'd Be A Fool To Ban Easter!

This episode is sort of April Fool and Easter-related! 
(This show was postponed and is currently incomplete either released next year or as a lost episode.)

### The Lost Tapes Of Dameus The Interviewer

Paul and the gang use some lost interview tapes of Dameus interviewing podcasting celebrities to help remind the mysterious August Evans of his true identity...

** ### The First Last Shy Life Podcast Episode

This is the last episode of The Shy Life Podcast episode... or is it? 
(Recorded in July 2019 - but not scheduled for release, as yet)

### The Second Last Shy Life Podcast Episode

This is our Second attempt at a last episode of The Shy Life Podcast... Might it be real this time!?

This post and all other contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021