Hello beasties!
We're into another month - passing the half-way mark through 2021 - let's see what we got up to in July!
First up, Paul is on the lookout for more gossip and Toppie Smellie is called in to give advice to YUJ!
Here we are for episode 448! This time on the show Mr Yeti catches up with all the regulars in the hope that he'll hear more juicy gossip to impart to the listeners. Paul also shares a conversation that he had with Toppie Smellie recently where he hoped that Toppie would help get Yeti Uncle John back on the straight and narrow; will it work!? We also have some clips from Sutton Park from episodes 165-168 which were recorded in late Summer 1993! It's pretty dramatic stuff this time! (There is even shouting!) Our next episode, #449 sees Paul and Nick discussing some of their regrets from over the years, plus we also have a brief chat from their first face to face meet-up since October 2020! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sounds effects are by Paul Chandler and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 448 was recorded between the 8th and the 11th June 2021, with Cuthbert's links recorded on the 4th July 2021.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
448: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-448-you-can-never-have-too-much-juicy-gossip
Next up; Nick is back with us and we're discussing some of our regrets and what ifs along life's road!
Here we are for episode 449! This time on the show Nick Goodman is back with us and we get talking about some of our regrets and "what ifs" from our early years. We also have a recently recorded chat with Nick and Aly recorded at Victoria Station in London in July 2021. Our next episode, #450 sees us catching up with Robot Big Fatty to find out what he's been up to since we last heard from him... we think you'll be surprised! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 449 was recorded in a number of blocks - the actual chat was recorded on the 28th November 2020, the London catchup on the 5th July 2021, with a brief cameo from Cuthbert recorded on the 9th July 2021.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
449: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-449-regrets-ecetera-part-1-ce-sont-mes-regrets
It's our 450th episode and we have a very special guest; Robot Fatty is back - but he's different this time!
Here we are for episode 450! This time Robot Big Fatty is back - but he has evolved; he is also living the high life - however did he get there!?! There are also some late Summer 1993 Sutton Park clips which take a dark and sinister turn following on from those scenes that appeared during episode #448 - the fallout from Harry's death is faced and a wild Azraelite follower is silenced once and for all! We also premier a new instrumental by award-winning musical friend of the show, Harry F. Very many thanks to Big Fatty for all his help with this edition of the show! Our next episode, #451 sees Nick Goodman joining us again for another of our random year film chats... which years will the guys be discussing this time!? Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti, Harry F, Isaac BD and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2019. Episode 450 was recorded between the 14th and 17th June 2021; with Big Fatty's recording received on the 27th June 2021. Cuthbert's comments were recorded between the 12th and the 14th July 2021. This edition also features flashbacks from episode 335 (July 2020), our last meeting with Robot Big Fatty.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
Next up we have an episode all about the big films of three random years - but which years will they be?
Here we are for episode 451! This time on the show Paul and Nick discuss some more films from three random years; with help from Cromitty and Cuthbert The Robot! This time we are focusing on 1965,1979 and 1990; but not necessarily in that order! Our next episode, #452 sees The Shy Life Podcast team doing their very best for charity again; this time they're putting their clothes back on! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file to include. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sounds effects are by Paul Chandler and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 451 was recorded on the 13th February 2021. Cuthbert recorded his links between the 15th and 18th of July 2021.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
It's our 450th episode and we have a very special guest; Robot Fatty is back - but he's different this time!
Here we are for episode 452! In a change to our scheduled episode this time Mister Yeti is taking an episode off and so presents four different articles that he and Toppie recorded together over a year ago for Round The Archives. If you've not heard these before then our TV-loving heroes discuss a number vintage US TV shows - from The Twilight Zone to Night Gallery, not to mention a number of Irwin Allen shows to curios such as The Invaders and The Wild Wild West that may not be so well remembered in the UK. If you enjoy all this TV chatter then we hope that you'll decide to jump aboard the Round The Archives podcast as a regular listener... there is so much more to explore with (very nearly) 60 episodes and several specials out there to download. Our next episode, #453 will be coming soon - it could be one of a number of different episodes - so whatever we release will be a surprise dear listeners! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2019. The articles that appear on Episode 452 were recorded early in 2020 and featured on episodes 44, 45, 48 and 50B of Round The Archives; Paul's links were recorded on 21st July 2021.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
452: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-452-an-episode-off-over-at-round-the-archives
Next up; Paul and the gang are putting their clothes on to support the Podfading Podcasters charity!!
Here we are for episode 453! Last year Paul and the gang removed their clothes for charity - this year they're putting them all back on again... well, most of them are, anyway! We also share some more audio Sutton Park moments (episodes #265-266 from December 1993.) Our next episode, #454 sees us presenting an edited recording of our appearance on the Pride48 live streaming event 2021 - we had some tech problems on the day; but we'll be tidying up the recording for you and presenting some material that never quite made it on the day! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects and by Paul C and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 453 was recorded on the 21st June 2021, with Cuthbert's lines added on the 28th July 2021.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
453: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-453-putting-your-clothes-back-on-for-charity
Our last episode of the month was our entry to the 2021 Pride48 Live Streaming Weekend!
Here we are for episode 454! Paul, Nick, Cromitty and Yeti Uncle John are (mostly) live on Pride48 for their 2021 live-streaming event; aside from the technical issues there is much TV nostalgia and a film quiz! We also have a short clip of Paul and Toppie Smellie from behind-the-scenes of a recent show. Our next episode, #455 sees us back in Paul's home town of Salisbury for the first time since the pandemic began 18 months ago; we hear from Nick - but mostly from Paul's mum and dad! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 454 was recorded LIVE in Salisbury, UK on Saturday 24th July 2021.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
Next time we'll be discussing what we've gotten up to on the show during August 2021...
That's all for now...
Take care - more soon,
Yeti hugs,
Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx
P.S. Apologies for the rather old photos used in this post - I'm having trouble getting my newer photos onto my laptop since I got my new PC earlier this year. Most of the photos in this post are from my trip to Vienna back in 2018; although the black cat is my feline friend, Mylo the owner of my friend, Paul J.
August is here now and we have lots of new episodes in the pipe-line! Our schedule list does tend to change every time I post, but right about now this is a pretty good guide to the episodes that we are hoping to release over the next few months; anyway - take a look at what else we have in store...