Sunday, August 05, 2018



Hello beasties!

This week I'll be talking about recent podcast episodes and also spilling some tea (!?!) on what I got up to during my recent trip to Scotland; including some of the photos that I took whilst I was away; although I am still getting used to my new laptop and how to access my older photos from iCloud. As you will see as we move into the post, I did record an episode of the show whilst I was away and that has just been released too.

So yes... I mentioned the new laptop... Let's just say that there were issues whilst I was away with my old laptop... I won't say any more because episode 184 is all about what happened...

Hopefully I'll have some Scottish photos for you later in this post - but first I have some photos from the recording of episode 184... The first of them were taken in a wood - a wood which I returned to briefly the other day and where I actually recorded some of the links for the pilot episode back in May 2016.

Let's move on to the last couple of podcasts that have been released recently...


Here we are for episode 184 - and in yet another change from the advertised programme we find Mr Yeti deep in the doldrums and unwilling to edit another edition of the show. All the regulars - led by Yeti Uncle John are extremely concerned and together they try their very best to find out what is wrong... Something clearly happened during a recent trip away - but WHAT!?! Which of the regulars can solve the mystery and will Paul be persuaded to continue THE SHY LIFE PODCAST!?! Our next show, #185 reveals more of what went on during Paul's recent Scottish trip - that's if we can find somebody to edit it! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects by Paul Chandler, Soundbible and Toppie Smellie. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2018.  Episode 184 was recorded on Thursday 26th July 2018.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Our next episode is all about my recent trip to Scotland where I got the chance to catch up with an old friend...


Here we are for episode 185 - in which we follow Paul on his recent trip to Scotland (along with flat-mate Calum and his mum!) We learn about Paul's latest writing projects - hear some poems and the regulars also chip in with a comment or two! Our next show, number 186 has all the gossip on Ikk's new venture - a dating agency! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects by Paul Chandler. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2018, except for clips from Big Fatty Online. (Thank you!) Episode 185 was recorded between the 17th July and the 1st August 2018.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


We had a really nice time in Scotland - but I won't say too much about what we got up to as it's covered pretty completely during the actual episode. Here are some photos from the trip however - and I'll also post a few more next time too.

Soon after returning from Scotland I paid another visit to Radio Wey on Saturday 28th July 2018 to appear on a show with Tim and Nathan. Tim will soon be moving to another station - so this might be our last time on Radio Wey for now; but hopefully we'll get to appear with Tim in his new radio home in the autumn. I have an exciting episode of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST to go with this recent appearance and hopefully I'll be editing that sometime during the next few weeks. By the way, this time I read three poems - all of which appear in my new compilation, SHY YETI'S GRRR-EATEST HITS...


Next time I'll be sharing more photos from Scotland - telling you about out latest podcast episodes and revealing all the news on the second of my summer book releases; this one being THE SHY YETI SCRIPT BOOK which came out at the start of August.

That's all for now! Take care - more soon,

Yeti hugs, Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx


It's August and the year is speeding on for THE SHY LIFE PODCAST, so far - and the following shows are the ones that we're presenting next... We're also recording new shows along the way and so this list tends to change every time I post here. Big event episodes coming up include our tribute to the Pride48 New Orleans event in August and our very own episode 200 which should be coming up by September; we have a new theme tune for you then too! Anyway, here is the schedule as it stands today!

186. Ikk's Incredible New Dating Agency

Ikk has decided to start a dating agency - but wants to pilot some ideal questions with the regulars; also seeking advice for listeners about their own dating advice.

187. The Princess And The Film Star!!

In which Paul talks with special guests DJ Starsage and Princess Mykah from The Faraway Nearby about their favourite films, Paul also catches up with Toppie and they discuss some of their favourite actors from back in bygone times!

188. The Yeti And The Narcissist!

Paul catches up with his niece, Alena and they take a test to see how narcissistic they are... Not only do they discover that some of the questions are difficult to answer - but also, surprisingly - that it's not all about them!!

189. Live Pride48 Show - August 2018

We're live and on the air for our August show - with lots of extra material for the podcast version of the episode!

190. Shy Yeti Salutes Pride48!

In which Shy Yeti and the gang salute Pride48 with help from Toppie Smellie!

191. Yeti Uncle John's Leaving Party

Yeti Uncle John prepares for his new job in outer space - but some of the regulars are concerned by what lies in store for their old friend...

192. Look Into My Eyes... On The Radio!?!

In which Paul seeks hypnotic help from Cromitty before heading onto the radio - but Zap has plans to turn his poetic plans into utter chaos - live over the airwaves!!

193. Digging Into Unheard Of Places

Paul digs through the archives to find a few interesting conversations that never made it onto shows. This episode may be postponed due to recent technical difficulties and replaced with another episode.

194. Return Of The Brompton Time Machine

This one has also brewing for quite some time - in fact I started work on it when we lasted visited Brompton Cemetery in early January 2017 and then recorded scenes with a number of guests throughout 2017; finally I'm ready to release it!

195. Live Pride48 Show - September 2018

We're live and on the air for our September show - with lots of extra material for the podcast version of the episode!

196. A Call-Back From A Far-Off Place

Flashback Episode. Paul falls for a trick which leads him to a far off place and meets an old nemesis... or two!

197. Marseille Episode

Find out what Mr Yeti got up to whilst in Marseille in late May.

198. The Return Of Dameus The Interviewer

Dameus interviews all manner of podcasting celebrities as part of his return to the chat-show circuit.

199. ...And Suddenly It Was 1988!

In which Paul and Nick discuss the music of 1988 in both the UK and US.

200. The Murder Mystery Weekend

It's episode 200 and we celebrate with a very special murder mystery weekend!

### Additionally:

### Re-connecting With The Past

Paul catches up with Cromitty and Martin and is excited to learn that Cuthbert has a few added advances that makes it possible to re-connect with the past via old episodes of SUTTON PARK... Ikk is slightly doubtful about it all - but he and Paul soon get to experience the process first-hand.

### Bettina and the robot butler

This episode sees Paul visiting Bettina only to find out that the house has recently become robotically automated; also Wifey Jo play a card game with Cuthbert.

### The Great Bingo Scam

Someone is rigging the bingo so that they win - is it one of the regulars or someone more sinister?

### More About The Alien Book

We learn a little more about The Alien Book which made Ikk so unwell at the start of the year - but, of course - things are never simple.

### The Halloween Episode 2018

Paul and the gang find that celebrating Halloween is harder than usual in 2018.

This post and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2018.