Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Hello beasties...

This week I'm keeping it brief as it's my last full week to work on the new book before sending it off to www.lulu.com - but I wanted to post you something! The poem I'm including isn't actually from the new book, but it is very new - in fact I only wrote it last week. It's called YOU'LL DO and it's all about people who settle for second best in relationships. It's kind of a sister poem to one of my older pieces, WE WERE GOING TO BE WED (WHEN WE BOTH HIT 40).

This week I've completed a poem called I USED TO BE A TEN, which is kind of along the same lines as YOU'LL DO. It must be the impending approach to 40!! Not that I take any of this very seriously - both poems are basically very self-mocking and full of humour... I hope!

Next week it's Halloween... I don't have a new film for you this year, but I have set aside a new poem for you about a zombie who drives a taxi! That's pretty much as good as it gets, right!?

More soon,

Yeti hugs,

Paul xx

I was looking for someone -
With prowess and might...
With a quite winning smile -
And with jeans that were tight!
With a nice singing voice -
And fair sense of direction!
With a rugged demeanor -
And full of massive affection!
Who made me just want to melt -
When they held me so tightly...
In a bedsit in Cheam -
Legs akimbo, twice nightly.
Said I never would settle...
For a romance that's untrue...
But now seems it's better than nowt...
You will do...
Yes, you'll do!

I was looking for someone -
Who I never needed to ask ...
Who'd never let me escape -
Who really took me to task!
But instead I met you...
You're not quite such a winner...
No, you need feeding up -
Need to eat you some dinner!
You blow about in the breeze...
You cannot ride on a horse...
So you can't rescue me...
You need a little more sauce...
Said I never would settle...
No, I would rather get rid... 
But now we're going to be wed.
Yes, we've settled.
We did.

I was looking for someone -
With Superstar looks...
With a good sense of humour -
And quite a liking for books...
Oh, I wanted him tall...
Maybe six two or four...
With a good body, naked -
And with riches galore!
Someone there to adore me -
With large muscles, a car...
With a chauffeur and butler -
And a large mini bar...
Said I never would settle...
For routine, a kerfew...
But now I'm beginning to realise...
You will do...
Yes, you'll do!
I was looking for someone -
Who was quite out my league...
Who could keep surging on -
And wouldn't flag from fatigue!
But instead I met you...
With your wit and your manners...
With your own garden shed -
With a lathe! Your own spanners!
It's not quite how I dreamt -
Things were going to be...
But you help pay the bills -
And you're better looking than me.
Said I never would settle...
For someone boring, yet plucky...
Now I have...
But you'll do...
I think I probably got lucky!

YOU'LL DO will appear in Paul's first collection of 2014. This post is Copyright Paul Chandler 2013.