Saturday, May 17, 2008


Just to let everyone know that the new book of verse is up on I've just sent off for my finished copies to see what it looks like; so it's not officially launched yet. Some friends have asked when they can buy it; I wouldn't yet - until I've seen my copy - incase I find any further typos - but I wanted everyone to be able to have a look at it.

The ALMOST finished book is available at

If you check out the Preview and had made a comment on the cover photo on my Facebook site, then you should be able to see if I've creditted you too.

More coming soon as the two Mouse books I've been working on are nearly done and some of you will have received copies of the CD of my poems that I recorded last year.

I also have to set a date for the next book launch! :)

Paul xxx

PS I'm having great trouble loading up the front cover; so this is the back, for now!!