Hello beasties!
This time - in a change to the scheduled post - we're just stopping by quickly for something a little Halloween-y; a new poem! It's only my second complete poem in about 3 years! First up here is all the business on our latest episode of the podcast - it's our Halloween episode, of course! (Yes... Yes... I know... We've jumped a few shows, but we'll be back to them next time!)
Here we are for episode 293! The Shy Life team do their best to pull together a Halloween episode for 2019. It's full of spookiness - creepy stories and poems - special guests and all manner of ghostly entertainment! Our next episode, #294 sees us heading back in time to look at the big hits of 1978 on both sides of the pond! Do join us, won't you?! Thanks to all our guests this episode - especially Nick, Jo B, Jay and Harry! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects by Paul Chandler and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler. Episode 293 was recorded between the 12th August and 1st September 2019, with a late guest contribution on the 10th October 2019 and mysterious Sutton Park clips from Winter 1998.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
293: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-293-shy-yetis-spooky-creepy-show-2019
In case you're interested this is our 4th Halloween episode of the podcast - here are our other shows - details of our earlier Halloween specials can be found attached to 2018's Halloween post at:
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
293: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-293-shy-yetis-spooky-creepy-show-2019
In case you're interested this is our 4th Halloween episode of the podcast - here are our other shows - details of our earlier Halloween specials can be found attached to 2018's Halloween post at:
Next up - that new poem that I mentioned! I hope you enjoy it! By the way the Were-badger was drawn by celebrity-illustrator and podcaster-supreme, Martin Holmes! This drawing is based on a were-badger that Martin once met - which officially confirms that they do exist! Honestly...
I was a teenage were-badger…
And yes, my life was utter hell!
I didn’t really mind the hours –
And I could put up with the smell…
But I wasn’t happy with the outfit –
And the tail it didn’t suit…
I never got the hang of wagging –
And yet my growling was a hoot!!
Other kids lived lives quite normal –
Whilst I found life so very hard…
I was always on the lookout…
I was always on my guard!
I really liked to hang about though –
In the hope that I’d be seen…
In the hope that I’d be crowned -
As hairy fairy were-beast queen!
I was a teenage were-badger…
And yes, I found it quite a chore!
Although I liked the colour scheme –
It wasn’t one you could ignore!
It is simply not that easy –
And finding work can be a hitch…
Life is rarely ever perfect –
And I prefer it when it’s kitsche!
When your fur is rather different -
You get attention from all types…
There are some who seem quite jealous -
I think they’d love to have my stripes…
But those who "want" don’t always get -
No matter whether they act flashy!
They need to grow up rather quickly
And then stop being quite so trashy!
I was a teenage were-badger…
It was a freaky way to live…
It can be hard to cope with sometimes –
And I am not quick to just forgive…
But I am pals with other were-folk -
And so we find ways to unite…
We are in fact the beast of friends -
And pretty much we never fight!
There’s a quite unusual tension…
I’m not an animal at heart…
I have been known to be a fiend…
And yet I’m also quite the tart!
But do not judge me, one iota…
I say your views they come too soon!
Out there singing for your supper -
Out there howling at the moon!
I was a teenage were-badger…
Although pretty soon I may retire…
I think I’ve had enough of were-ing -
It’s been a baptism of fire!
It’s a chore and no mistake -
It’s really left me feeling drained…
It’s left my friendships all in tatters –
And all my carpets too are stained!
I wouldn’t mind if I were younger -
I think I’d play it far more cool…
I could pretend I didn’t care -
No more a teen now, just a fool…
I think it’s best I pack my bags up -
Once I’ve ensured I’m sleekly styled!
With one last were-howl of goodbye -
I’ll be gone – headed out into the wild!
(01/11/2017 – 02/10/2019)
I began writing this verse on the 1st of November 2017, returning to it occasionally on the following dates: 14/12/2017, June 2018, October 2018, January
2019, April 2019, June 2019, September 2019 and finally completing it almost two years later on the 2nd October 2019!! Now it's complete I've also recorded it for our Halloween episode - as listed at the top of this post; I hope you enjoy hearing me read it, along with everything else that makes up that edition of our show.
Next time we'll be jumping back a few shows to catch up on those and then I'll be preparing for my birthday holiday and sharing with you another chat with THE BEARGRRRIAN GAZETTE. Yes, I did promise you that this time but their publication dates changed at the last minute; so apologies!!
That's all for now...
Take care - more soon,
Yeti hugs,
Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx
Next time we'll be jumping back a few shows to catch up on those and then I'll be preparing for my birthday holiday and sharing with you another chat with THE BEARGRRRIAN GAZETTE. Yes, I did promise you that this time but their publication dates changed at the last minute; so apologies!!
That's all for now...
Take care - more soon,
Yeti hugs,
Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx