Wednesday, June 25, 2008


6 years, 7 months and 1 week ago (18th November 2001!) I last appeared on RADIO WEY, with my friend Tim Mitchell who has been part of the team for over 20 years. So, between 18:00-19:00, between other items we discussed my writing,, the videos I've recorded lately, the story behind the creation of The Mouse of Commons, the inspiration for , my blogsites, new books and what I think about the future of publishing! (Obviously I said self-publishing is best!) :)

I read two poems in the end; YETI SPAGHETTI and LITTLE PIG and even got to choose two of the tunes that were played: Manic Monday, by The Bangles and Union City Blue, by Blondie.

We took loads of photos - some of them I'll post tonight and some in the next few weeks on here and also on as we also discussed Gladstone McWhiskers in equal measures to the poetry.

Thanks to Tim for inviting me on his show - hopefully it won't be another 6 and a half years until I return, as it was really good fun! :)

I leave you with Tim's preview to my visit, as I was billed on the Radio Wey website and also with some of the photos.


Paul :)

CHIT-CHAT - 6.00pm on Wednesday 25th June with Tim Mitchell and guest, local author, Paul Chandler. Paul has written numerous books including his popular Mouse of Commons books. On the show he'll be chatting about his humourous books and reading some of his witty poems.


I was a little nervous before-hand, as you can see (!!), but soon got into my stride. :) Tim is in the photo 4 pictures down, by the way.



Another busy week. I've been busy writing some new poems; one of which - A VOICE IN HIS HEAD, I finished last friday and have posted here.

I'm also reading on hospital radio tonight - so hopefully I will report back on that. I'm hoping to read some of the new ones liked LITTLE PIG and YETI SPAGHETTI and maybe a couple of older ones from the last couple of books. If I get a chance I'll take a photo. :)

The other piece of good news is that as of this very minute we've had 181 viewings of the videos. (I've put a link at the side of this blog so they can be viewed at any time.) So far the most popular poems are as follows:

=3rd YETI SPAGHETTI - 26 Views
=3rd MY MOMENT IS NOW!! - 26 Views
5th LITTLE PIG - 15 Views
6th YOU CRAMP MY STYLE - 13 Views

It's like Top of the Pop - but poetic! :) hehe.

Since they were posted up last week we've had the following viewing figures:

Wed 18 June 08 : 47 Viewers
Thu 19 June 08 : 34 Viewers
Fri 20 June 08 : 09 Viewers
Sat 21 June 08 : 19 Viewers
Sun 22 June 08 : 16 Viewers
Mon 23 June 08 : 13 Viewers
Tue 24 June 08 : 43 Viewers

Thanks for everyone who's watched them - keep on watching. Oh go on, please!

As soon as Owen returns from his trip away we should be recording some more and maybe one of the shorter Mouse of Commons stories for the Mouse blogsite.

Don't forget the new book is available from at:

Anyway, here's the new poem.

Paul x


There was a voice in his head –
But he mostly ignored it…
It only told him the weather;
And he quickly became bored with it…
But it always said “Bless you…”
When he let out a sneeze…
And sometimes read him the menu…
From the chip-shop or Chinese…
Sometimes it gave him the news –
Or his horoscope sign…
Or debated poor Britain’s –
Sad social decline…
Or flattered his dress sense…
Or laughed at his jokes!
Or answered his emails –
And all his rude Facebook pokes…
So, as time swiftly passed…
And his ego was fed…
He relied all the more…
On that voice in his head.

There was a voice in his head…
It chattered on without end…
And in time, it became –
Yes, his very best friend!
It became like a mentor…
Gave advice when required!
And he’d oft let it speak for him –
When he grew overtired…
Well, they gossiped together…
And they bitched; oh, so bitter…
Looked down from ivory towers…
And both let out a titter…
The voice whispered so secretly…
But who knows what about…
It was oh, so persuasive…
It had sown seeds of doubt…
Such words made him so angry…
And he began to see red…
Enraged by the lies –
From that voice in his head…

There was a voice in his head;
With an accent of spite…
Could it be they’d fall out?
Well, it seemed they just might!
Their discussions transformed;
Well, they both disagreed.
Such an unhealthy friendship –
Which he just didn’t need…
The voice started to mock him;
And acted ever-so rash…
And turned on him; angry –
As quick as a flash!
So, the fury it flew…
Such an unpleasant fight…
“If I asked you to leave;
Do you think that you might?”
He did order his muse…
And it’s taunting fell dead…
A sudden silence remained…
Gone – the voice in his head!

There was a voice in his head…
Which rose up to a shout!
It had driven him crazy…
So, he’d driven it out!
It had filled him with fear;
With a rage that dispersed…
But he soon really missed it;
The voice that once he had cursed!
In secret he prayed;
That they’d be reunited…
He begged in his dreams;
And he grew quite excited!
“Very well…” said the voice.
Crisp and clear as a bell.
“Let us make up; not break up!
I’ve missed you, as well…”
Those words from his saviour…
No longer filled him with dread!
Now he realised;
He just couldn’t live without –
That sly voice in his head…

A VOICE IN HIS HEAD - Copyright Paul Chandler, 2008.