Wednesday, January 25, 2017



Hello beasties!

The word "escape" should probably me my middle name - pretty much all of my creative writing and all of my podcasts are a form of escape for me in one way or another... Ha! They work that way for you too? Oh well, then I'm very glad and applaud you for joining me on this crazy journey... *high five* Actually... No. That's so mid-90s.

First up, we take a quick look at my two most recent podcasts and I also share with you a brand new prose piece which is all about living your life in a fantasy world; I think that's kind of fitting, don't you? I wrote it especially for this post - although it will eventually appear in one of my books...


Here we are for episode FORTY EIGHT - and it is our 4th live Pride48 show already! This time we take a ride on a UFO, catchup with some of the regulars and discuss the topics of the moment with the chat-room; Paul also finds a diary of his from when he had just turned 13! Thank you to all those involved in the production of this episode, especially to Toppie Smellie and Sassy. Our next episode, number 49 - will include a chat with our guests DJ Starsage and Duchess Sue - to be released soon! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. This episode and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017. Episode 48 was recorded on Sunday 15th January 2017, with added material recorded between 9th and the 14th January 2017. This version of the episode also contains exclusive extra content that was not broadcast on the night of the show - including a newly recorded interview with Nick Goodman about his experience of "stage fright" and acting live on stage.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Here we are for episode FORTY NINE - where, battling technical difficulties, Mr Yeti catches up with D.J. Starsage and The Duchess Sue from the Faraway Nearby Podcast. We also hear from some of the regulars. Our next episode, number 50 - sees Mr Yeti reunited with his favourite gang of podcasters from Pickle Hollow. It'll be out soon!! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. This episode and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017. Episode 49 was recorded between the 27th November 2016 and the 12th January 2017.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

So, before we go I have a new prose piece called LIVING IN A FANTASY WORLD, which I'd like to share with you...

LIVING IN A FANTASY WORLD was written between Wednesday 11th and Thursday 19th January 2017 - with some tweaking up until the time it was posted. It was partly inspired by one of my favourite subjects for writing - taking things literally, with straight face, but tongue in cheek. One of the many podcasts that I regularly listen to is called BIG FATTY ONLINE, and it includes a character who is known as Poodle McNoodle. Now as long as I've been listening I have always pictured her to be, quite literally, a talking poodle - as one of her best friends is called Squeaky Kitty, who is clearly some kind of dog toy! I queried with Big Fatty as to whether this was the case, having discussed the subject with friend and SHY LIFE PODCAST guest, Jay The Hauntcub and was shocked to discover that Poodle is meant to be a lady! Shocker! In the end it turned out that I was not the only listener who believed Poodle to be a talking dog, although one of these people was my podcasting twin, Toppie Smellie; so I guess it was less of a surprise that we thought alike. Anyway... This lead to me writing the prose piece at the end of this post...

Next time, there will be more information on recent podcasts - either a yeti script or another prose piece and we also draw ever closer to the launch of our BEAST OF FRIENDS special, our new script-book, YETI DON'T FALL BACKWARDS...

Take care - more soon!

Yeti hugs,

Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx

P.S. Whilst I'm here I should mention that I'm almost ready to release the second season of HOT STUFF and am about a month away from also completing the second season of KENSINGTON GORE. I'm thinking that it might be nice to release them both on the same day; possibly in April, once I'm back from my Easter holiday. Watch this space!!


"You live in a fantasy world..." she once told me.
Accusing me - index finger pointed - like this was a bad thing...
So what if I spend my time amongst eccentrics and curios -
Many of my own making; what does it matter?
These tales take me to places that I would never get to go to otherwise...
These characters are my companions on all manner of weird and wonderful adventures...
They exist to me in a more real sense than many people who I meet on a daily basis or have known for years...
Where else can I be best friends with a talking banana, for instance!?
That's not something that happens a great deal where I come from -
I feel privileged to be able to experience that; who wouldn't!?
Look around you - look at the dullards sitting on your train or on the bus...
Look at them - tippy-tappying on their mobile phones to perfect strangers...
Do they look like the sort of people who you'd enjoy conversing with?
I don't think so. Do you? Be honest now...
But a talking banana in a pink bandana wearing expensive shades...
Now that would be fun, right? Cool, even...
Remember, this is not just any talking banana in a pink bandana and shades...
Oh no...
This banana comes ready loaded with wit, kindness and words of wisdom...
He's been places - he's seen things... He's miraculously not gone either shrivelled nor speckledy...
This is clearly no ordinary banana...
Oh, and his name is Sir George-Felix De Funk Funk...
I mean, who wouldn't want a friend with a name like that!?
"Hi! Let me introduce you to my friend Sir George-Felix De Funk Funk!"
Do you hear those words tripping crisply off your lips?
Doesn't it sound good?
"He's an astronaut, you know - he's been to Jupiter and Pluto, Mars even...
Not only that but he's been Number One in the charts in Sweden every week since July 1983..."

Still, it's up to you... 
You could simply not bother - you could just stay in your comfort zone...
"Here's Emily... She has 16 children and works in a shop... badly... 
Isn't her hair awful!
Here is her husband, Steve... He likes football and screaming silently in bus-stops...
What on earth is his problem?"
I think we both know which of these people we'd rather be friends with...
Quick hint: it's neither Emily nor Steve...

Meanwhile, I could go on all day about George-Felix De Funk Funk...
But that would mean that I didn't have time to tell you about his flat mate...
Now Sherbert, you see, is a 15 foot giraffe who does drag at weekends...
On which occasion he manages to make it to a neat 20 foot...
Unless he's got his beehive wig on and then he's probably closer to being 25 foot tall...
No surprise, I suppose, that he's a fireman-giraffe...
You should see him when he's out there and up a ladder being heroic...
It's like all us people have just shrunk right down until we're ant-sized;
It's crazy!!
Come back next week and I'll tell you all about Suzette -
Part-time astronaut - telepathic walrus and budgerigar impressionist...

I'll see you then...
I mean, who could deny such stories? 
Who could honestly seek to crush such flights of fancy?
She could. That's who.
She could.

"You're characters don't exist - they are fictional..." she often likes to tell me.
"You're not right in the head - you live in your own little world..."
She's right, of course - but it is something that I am blushingly proud of...
"What are you thinking!?" she shouts at me. "What are you thinking!?"
I'm pretty sure she doesn't really want to know the answer and so I just smile;
This, of course, only infuriates her even more...
I will not be drawn into her madness...
No, I sit and I smirk - simply shaking my head...
"Ah no..." I confidently reply. 
"My characters ARE real - 
It is the rest of the world that is make-believe..."

This post and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017.