Monday, February 28, 2005


This is the 4th and last "single" that I'll be releasing off MUGSHOTS. It's called THE ONLY YOU THERE IS... and is a quirkily funny and sentimental ditty that I'd had written down in my file of potential poems since 2003. It took a while for me to come up with something that fitted - but I'm very pleased with the finished result. I hope you enjoy it, too.

In addition to this I have just completed work on a revised version of my 2001 debut collection, JUNK/FOOD. It contains a brand new cover and more detailed background notes. Some of the poems contained date back to 1992 - but it's probably worth a read if you've not seen this one before.

Copies of MUGSHOTS are available from BEECHES BOOKS at a cost of £5 + £1 p&p. The revised version of JUNK/FOOD is only £4 + £1 p&p.

You can email for more information at

I am well on the way to finishing another volume: POETIQUETTE which I foresee will be ready by late April/early May. I have currently written over 40 new pieces for inclusion, with another half dozen or so to complete. I expect to stop writing and move onto the editing stage by Easter, when I will be on leave. Usually I come up with one or two more for the collection during this point. They'll probably be about 50 new poems in all.

Next time I should be mailing about the new volume - with a sample from that! :-)


Paul x


You're the only you there is...
You're the only you I know...
Yes, you have a certain something...
A sort of radioactive glow!
Whoever raised you had the right idea!
Too iconic to be moved!
You’re kooky – yet it suits you!
You just couldn’t be improved!J

You're unique - a total one-off...
Though you're getting pretty old!
There is no-one left like you here...
Alas, they didn't keep the mould...
Still, you look good for such a veteran...
I’d say you’re almost kinda chic!
Hey! Perhaps they will restore you...
After all...
You must be verging on antique!

I am sure they'd deem you priceless...
If they put you up for sale...
There'd be trouble if they lost you...
If they put you in the mail!!
They should wrap you up in cotton wool -
Just in case you get a bruise!
T’would be a shame to spoil perfection…
Now you’ve given up the booze!!

You’re a treasure – irreplaceable!
And immune to being cloned!
You’d look lovely on the mantelpiece -
Quite a pleasure to have owned!
You’re the only you worth having…
All the rest aren’t worth a damn!
You’re a real life Super hero…
Any others are a sham…

Yes, you're the only you I know of...
You're the only you there is...
You're a lighthouse in the darkness...
A fine wine that’s full of fizz...
You’re fantabulous – terrific!!
No, you’ll never go to seed…
Not just the only you I know…
But true…You’re the only you I NEED!!