Hello beasties!
This time we have plenty of new podcasts to share with you - also some photos too!
Hold tight, readers!
Here we are for episode 351! This time we are proud to be able to take part in the 2020 Pride48 Live Streaming Event! We've a quizzy show in store - with some of the regulars here to keep the chat going and a few special phone-in guests! (Thank you!!!) The podcast edition also has extra material - including another quiz with Calum and some messages that I sent into Foul Monkeys which appeared on their episode 922! (Thank you too!) Our next episode, #352 sees Nick and Paul catching up on Skype for their second book club edition! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects are by Shy Yeti and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2020. Episode 351 was recorded LIVE on Saturday 27th June 2020 - and extra material recorded on the 14th of June 2020.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
Next up - it's our second book club episode with Paul and Nick!
Here we are for episode 352! This time on the show Paul and Nick catch-up via Skype for their second Book Club edition; both bring some of their favourite books to talk about - hopefully there will be something of interest for all listeners! The regulars are here too! Our next episode, #353 sees Cuthbert taking charge as he explores Mr Yeti's time in Hollywood in the early 2010s... Unbelievable, yet true! There will be plenty of clips from shows and videos that he made back in those heady days! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Harry F and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2020. Episode 352 was recorded between the 1st and 2nd May 2020.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
352: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-352-shy-yetis-very-second-book-club-edition
Next up - Cuthbert delves into the archives to explore the first time that Shy Yeti invaded America.
Here we are for episode 353! This time Cuthbert takes over the show! His mission? To share with you some of Mr Yeti's adventures in Hollywood back in 2010... (Yes! It's true... Sort of...) There is some silliness - some yeti verse and even a "rare" interview with Paul from the same year conducted by Mr Nick Goodman himself! The Hollywood views are also pretty marvellous; even on audio! Listen and you will learn more! Our next episode, #354 sees us back before lock-down and heading out to dinner with an old friend; but Paul and OtherPaul are - unbeknown to them - in the same restaurant as Bettina and her new beau! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Escaped Scarecrow and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2020. Episode 353 was recorded between the 30th June and the 1st July 2020, with archive material from 2010 and 2011... You can also watch the full video versions of the Hollywood clips on Mr Yeti's MRSHYYETI Youtube account.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
This episode contains clips from the following SHY YETI ON LOCATION videos:
SHY YETI GOES TO HOLLYWOOD!!! (released 09 September 2010)
A YETI BACK IN HOLLYWOOD - PART 1 (released 16 December 2010)
A YETI BACK IN HOLLYWOOD - PART 2 (released 28 December 2010)
A YETI BACK IN HOLLYWOOD - PART 3 (released 20 January 2011)
A YETI BACK IN HOLLYWOOD - PART 4 (released 05 February 2011)
SHY YETI AT THE COBALT CAFE, L.A., U.S.A. (released 11 August 2010)
SHY YETI RETURNS TO THE COBALT CAFE! (released 11 August 2011)
SHY YETI TALKS! (released 15 March 2010)
The poems that feature in this episode in these clips are as follows:
Next up - we follow two different couples having dinner. and matters soon get curiouser and curiouser...
Here we are for episode 354! This time we are back in a time before lock-down as Paul and Other Paul are catching up in their favourite restaurant; but little do they know that Bettina Du Pres is also dining out there with Long-lost Cousin Algernon! Will things kick off!?! Listen and you may find out! Back at the flat Cromitty, Ikk, Martin and Yeti Uncle John are just pottering around as usual - but they do have some pre-recorded yeti verse and a Sutton Park clip from Boxing Day 1998 to share (with a special guest appearance from a 1990s Mr Nick Goodman!) The poems in this edition are: INVITE A YETI ROUND FOR TEA and MY DOG IN A DRESS - there is also a quick 100 word story entitled, LAID. There is also a flash-back in this edition from episode 210 of SLP from December 2018! Thank you to my special guests this episode - especially Paul H (aka OtherPaul) and Jay The Hauntcub who acted as Long Lost Cousin Algernon's personal assistant on this occasion! Our next episode, #355 sees us catching up with Robot Big Fatty - what DID become of him?! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2020. Episode 354 was recorded between the 28th of October 2019 and the 4th July 2020. The Sutton Park clip is from 26.12.1998, the poems were recorded on the 29th October 2019, the dinner was eaten on the 23rd November 2019 and some extra material was completed in early July 2020 during editing.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
As mentioned at the end of our last episode - next up we are exploring the mystery of Robot Big Fatty!
Here we are for episode 355! This time on the show we do our best to update you on what happened to Robot Big Fatty after he vanished last year in an episode that we originally began recording during the summer of 2019... Well, now we have some actual news and Robot Big Fatty is back with us! You'll never guess what's been going on and you'll be even more surprised when we meet the inner robot! Thank you to our special guest - Big Fatty for his help with this episode; both his recordings and his BFO clips! We also have yeti verse and a Sutton Park clip which carries on from last episode. Our next show, #356 sees us joining Paul and Cuthbert to narrate an episode of Sutton Park in more detail than usual! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2020. Episode 355 was recorded between the 17th July 2019 and 6th of July 2020, with poems recorded on the 19th July 2019 and more clips from Boxing Day 1998 Sutton Park.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
Next episode Cuthbert is intent on telling a story using the audio from some old 90s video footage.
Here we are for episode 356! This time Paul and Cuthbert share some tales of adventures past and Calum pops in to do another quiz! The audio material that Cuthbert will help describe is from Sutton Park episodes 3025 until 3028; made between the 20th July and the 10th August 1999. We would like to thank all those who appear in these episodes - amongst them Nick G, George and Georgina! Big thanks to Calum for taking part in our quiz and also extra applause to Cuthbert for linking all the clips in such detail this time around. Our next episode, #357 will be our Zoom Call for July 2020 - who on earth will turn up, do you think? Maybe even you! Failing that do join us to listen to the podcast version of the show, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects by Shy Yeti and TLB. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2020. Episode 356 was recorded between the 26th of June 2020 and the 12th of July 2020; with Sutton Park clips from July and August 1999.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
The original video from which the audio is taken in SLP-356 will be released in early August 2020.
Next up Shy Yeti and the gang head out onto Zoom-zoom-zoom for July's little show...
Here we are for episode 357! This time Paul heads back LIVE onto Zoom for a bumper-length edition of the show with plans to chat to his guests about a whole range of different topics; there is also a quiz about history... which isn't quite what they expected! This edition also contains flashbacks to episodes 50, 115, 116, 151, 152, 154 and 155 of The Shy Life Podcast. Thank you to Andrew, Lisa and Toppie for being my guests this time! Our next show, #358 sees us returning to the US for our second (friendly) Yeti "Invasion" of America from back in the early 2010s! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2020. Episode 357 was recorded LIVE on Zoom between 8pm and 9.30pm on Saturday 11th July 2020, with additional narration recorded by Cuthbert the Robot on Friday 17th July 2020.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:
Before we go any further we really need a little Deeley in our lives - it's compulsory! Look at him!!
Sometimes it is difficult to type out Cuthbert's lines - and he's been playing an increasingly important role in recent episodes. Here is an example of one of his scripts from episode 356 - he's very good at learning his lines, but sometimes they have to be wrongly typed for him to say them correctly; sometimes he doesn't even get them right then...
But it's not his fault though - it's just his inner programming; we'll get there one day...
Anyway, here is an example of one of his scripts - with all the Cuthbert "spelling mistakes" that hopefully will enable him to say that all-important lines correctly!
"Hello listeners - it is me, Cuthbert the robot...
I am here to guide you through some episodes of Sutton Park that have recent-lee been returned to the archives; one day soon we may even release the actual episode that you will be hearing and then you will also be able to watch it as a video - but there are plenty of intriguing things that you can listen 2 right now...
When you listen to words and conversations you are not distracted so much by the prittee pictures or the silly haircuts - you hear the words - real-lee hear them and you take in their meaning...
Anyway... I am going to set the scene for you now...
The episode that we will be listening to is episode 3025 of Sutton Park - one of the later editions - the day is Tuesday the 20th of July 1999; almost 21 years ago at the time that this episode of our podcast is being released.
It is a beautiful summers day - quite different from the summer that we have been having right here and now in 2020...
2020 is a very strange year, as you probab-lee alreddy know...
Anyway... In episode 3025 there we are - in a quaint English village... We are in fact in a village which is near Salisbury in Wiltshire...
Have you guessed where we are yet?
Yes! Indeed... You guessed, right... Well... I guess you did... I can't hear you, sad-lee; this isn't the way that podcasts work... Still, I know you to be super intelligent listeners and so yes, I'm pritty certain that you will have guessed correct-lee where we are...
Clever clever listeners!
So... There we are - in the village of Yetee Manors...
We are standing outside the house where Paul and his brother Graham grew up... Nick is there and he is holding a video camera - he has a friend with him too; her name is George... Actual-lee we did meet George here on the podcast and quite recent-lee too...
Do you recall?
George was the lady who Nick talked 2 in episode 335 of The Shy Life Podcast - released in May, but recorded in January 2020...
21 episodes ago...
That's weird - by coincidence the footage is from 21 years ago...
What does it all mean? Is there some connection?
I doubt it, you know... We just like to tease you a bit...
But yes... George was the lady who was talking to us about Bruce Lee and Jac-kee Chan films; when she spoke to us recent-lee she was visiting Nick for the first time in menny years...
Well - in our video here - from 1999 - she was also visiting Nick then too...
Oh, so long ago...
Anyway! Paul, Nick and George are exploring the village where Paul grew up and Nick is busy filming and Paul must obvious-lee have been filming too or there would be no episode... The three of them head out across the fields - talking and chatting... although something does appear 2b slight-lee wrong...
For some reason Paul seems 2b very keen to discuss matters with Nick in private...
But why?
Most curious... Why don't you listen and see what events unfold?"
Next time we'll be looking at some of the episodes that were released at the end of July - into the start of August; leading up to a couple weeks off from work where I'll be recording some new shows...
That's all for now...
Take care - more soon,
Yeti hugs,
Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx
June is gone and July isn't that far behind; but meanwhile we have lots of new episodes in the pipe-line! Our schedule list does tend to change every time I post, but right about now this is a pretty good guide to the episodes that we are hoping to release over the next few months; not to forget our monthly LIVE shows on Zoom and Pride48! Anyway - take a look at what else we have in store...
June is gone and July isn't that far behind; but meanwhile we have lots of new episodes in the pipe-line! Our schedule list does tend to change every time I post, but right about now this is a pretty good guide to the episodes that we are hoping to release over the next few months; not to forget our monthly LIVE shows on Zoom and Pride48! Anyway - take a look at what else we have in store...
Anyway, here is our current schedule!
358. Shy Yeti's Second American Invasion!
Cuthbert goes back into the archives to explore Mr Yeti's 2nd invasion of America back in 2011!
359. Live Pride48 Show - July 2020
More complete stupidity LIVE on Pride48!
360. Shy Yeti's Backwards Vinyl Museum!!
Paul shares some recent new/old vinyl purchases - much to the bafflement of Yeti Uncle John!
361. Shy Yeti And The Hit Songs Of 1992!
Paul and Nick discuss the big hits of 1992 on both sides of the pond!
362. Yeti Uncle John's Dodgy Deals!
Yeti Uncle John is reduced to selling rare unused recordings from old episodes of The Shy Life Podcast in the hope that he can impress one of his beaus of his great fortune! Shy Yeti is far from pleased... We also break up the tension when Calum drops by to do yet another quiz.
363. Episode One Billion!!
We look forward a year or two to see how things are going for The Shy Life Podcast as we hit episode One Billion. Things are a little more advanced - but all the gang are still on board!!
364. Shy Yeti's Very Third Book Club!
Paul and Nick discuss some more interesting books in their collection!
365. Shy Yeti Goes Zoom - The 4th!
Mister Yeti's 4th Zoom episode - who will his guests be!?
366. Whatever Happened To Dusty The Scone-eating Dandelion?
We head back exactly a year to June 2019 as Paul and company head to the Isle Of Wight in search of a long-lost friend called Dusty! It's also Calum's birthday!!
367. Paul And Martin's Big 1960s HIT Hour... And A Bit!
Paul and Martin discuss some of the big hits from the years 1962 and 1963 in the UK and USA!
368. Live Pride48 Show - August 2020
More complete silliness LIVE on Pride48!
369. Shy Yeti Gets Some Air / Shy Yeti Peeks Outside
Paul and the gang decide to take some fresh air during the summer months of Quarantine of 2020.
370. Charlie Grrr and The Pie With The Pastry Plumage!
Charlie relates the tale of the pie with the pastry plumage... Not everyone is impressed!
(This episode is currently incomplete - although partially recorded)
371. The Truth About Deeley Cat!
When Ikk obtains some new equipment, Paul learns a shocking truth about Deeley's true identity!
(This episode is currently incomplete - although partially recorded)
372. Shy Yeti And The Big Pop Hits Of 1975...
Paul and Nick discuss the big hits of 1975 on both sides of the pond!
373. Shy Yeti And The Hit Songs Of 1993...
Paul and Nick discuss the big hits of 1993 on both sides of the pond!
374. Behind The Scenes - Fiction Within Fiction!
Paul looks back at how he used to film Sutton Park behind the scenes on some of Nick's films - with clips from both Tide Of Freedom and Evil Trophy and the equally as dramatic Sutton Park episodes recorded during these productions.
375. A Surprise Visitor Hits Pickle Hollow!
Paul and Toppie discuss news of interest to SLP listeners that has recently occurred in Pickle Hollow!
376. Shy Yeti's Miscellanenous Dittiness!
Cuthbert goes back into the archives to explore more select nuggets from some of Paul's poetry videos!
377. Shy Yeti (Accidentally) Steals A Space-ship!
Paul and Trowby accidentally steal Ikk's space-ship whilst trying to look for spare-parts!
378. The New Caretaker / "Where's Me Booook!?"
With Toby busy with work and Paul spending all hours editing podcasts, things have gotten a little untidy during lock-down and so Bettina gives Paul the details of a caretaker who used to work on her Estate... It seems like a good idea until it becomes evident that this gentleman swings from being extremely lazy to shovelling every last thing into a bin bag... What ever will happen when he reaches the basement and finds all the tat in Cromitty's laboratory; what will happen to all those priceless Sutton Park tapes? For that matter will Cuthbert make it through the night!?!
379. The Continuing Mysteries Of Ethel The Landlady!
Mr T has found more evidence concerning Ethel The Landlady... Might it finally be time to ask Ikk to return us to 1992 so that we can speak with the lady herself!?
380. The Revenge Of Robot Big Fatty!
The inner personality of Robot Big Fatty returns to cause us much concern!
381. Ikk's Extra Super Special Day Out!
Ikk fixes his space ship and offers to take the regulars on a trip - will Paul regret not going!
382. Haunt-club And The Eight-legged Chatterbox!
During A Visit Jay and Ikk are able to communicate with Jay's eight-legged family member... but that is just the beginning of the surprise! (He is also good at quizzes!!) Ikk also arranges for Jay to achieve one of his greatest wishes - to meet a real living dinosaur! What on earth could go wrong?
383. Paul And Nick's Perfect Day!
Paul and Nick consider a perfect day made of memories in a time of lock-down!
384. Bettina and the robot butler
This episode sees Paul visiting Bettina only to find out that the house has recently become robotically automated.
385. The Hidden Truth Of The Shy Life Podcast!
We answer listeners questions about The Shy Life Podcast? Will we ever learn who pushed Zap down the stairs in episode 200 or what happened to Dameus in episode 300? Probably not. Meanwhile there is a difference of opinion on what the "will of the listeners" is on the future of the show.
386. Long Lost Cousin Algernon And The Very Big Revelation!
Paul learns some rather disturbing things about what Long Lost Cousin Algernon has been up to whilst helping Bettina out with her charity... but there are even bigger revelations in store!
387. Shy Yeti's Possibly Lost Virtual Reality Episode!
An episode made out of bits and bobs and possibly a lost episode about virtual reality from 2018!