Thursday, December 21, 2006


Just a quick post to say hello and a happy christmas and a marvellously poetic new year!!!

Just a quick update on the writing. I'm just back from a few days in Venice and whilst I was away came up with another three poems, one of which I'll be posting below. I have now completed approximately 30 poems towards RHYMES BEARS STEAL PIES FOR, with approximately 20 more poems to be written. I'm off down to Dorset for New Year and if I get as prolific as I did when I was in Cornwall last year then the book should be ready by the spring. But we'll have to see. I'm not going to rush anything.

Meanwhile, elsewhere - I'm devoting most of my writing time to working on Mouse of Commons novels - more of which can be read about at I've also been taking a lot of photos - for the novels and also for RHYMES, in the same style as I went for with POEMS TO MAKE BEARS GROWL. This time I'm stepping back and Charlie Grrr will be writing all the comments for the poems - although I'll probably drop him the odd fact or two on the way.

Anyway - here's a new one - an exclusive from my trip to Venice - although there's not even the slightest Italian whisper of a theme that I can see... Ah well!!

Seasons Greetings! More in 2007!! Thanks again to everyone who has supported me in 2006.

Christmas hugs.

Paul xx


If you’re feeling a little bit under the weather –
If you’re lacking that get up and go…
If you’re not in the mood to make trouble…
Then there’s something that you ought to know!
There is something to cure all your blues, now!
Which may be quite a shocking surprise…
The meaning of life wrapped in pastry!
A gravy soaked pleasure, sweet pies!!

If you’re feeling a tad kinda woosy…
If you’re feeling a bit over-awed…
If you’re trying to smile and be jolly!
But you’re feeling quite frankly, a fraud!
If you’re lost and you need some direction…
Then you need only look into my eyes!
The solution to all of your problems…
Is pies – yes, it’s pies – lovely pies!!!

If the news you’ve received ain’t appealing…
If you’re feeling that life’s quite a bore!
I’ll assure you, you’re quite incorrect, see…
My advice you just cannot ignore!!
Should you judge that your days aren’t worth living…
I will prove that those thoughts they are lies…
That you’ll find you a brand new beginning –
Just try devoting your future to pies!!

If you’re unsure of the route you’ve been taking…
If you’re curious to try something new…
I’d suggest try a nice Cornish pasty!
Or a fair suet sponge, Irish stew?
There is nothing that cannot be cured now…
A life changing decision, so wise…
Yes, an idol that won’t disappoint you…
Just one word and that word, yes – it’s PIES!!!