Sunday, December 01, 2019



Hello beasties!

This time on the blog we're going to be discussing what Toby and I got up to during our week off in glamorous Colchester - busily recording new material for future episodes of the podcast...

Talking of podcasts, here are some episodes that have been released recently!



Here we are for episode 294! Paul and Nick discuss the big hits of 1978 on both sides of the pond! Ikk and the gang will, of course, do their best to entertain us with songs from this year!  Our next episode, #295 sees us chatting with Adam from Foul Monkeys - only Cromitty is doing system upgrades that threaten to disrupt events! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2019. Episode 294 was recorded on 22nd June 2019 - with additions on 23rd June 2019.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Talking of podcasts, here are some episodes that have been released recently!



Here we are for episode 295! This time around Paul chats with Adam from fellow Pride48 podcast Foul Monkeys only Cromitty has forgotten that Paul is recording and has scheduled an upgrade to the systems which weakens the signal somewhat. Can Cuthbert or Ikk help fix things in time so Paul can still talk with Adam or will Martin have to arrange a mammoth Sutton Park clip session instead? You'll have to wait a week or so for our next episode as Mr Yeti is away recording for a few days for his birthday; but he'll also probably start work editing episode 300! Our next show once he returns will be episode 296 - our LIVE edition for November 2019 and our last time live before the "Wedding Of The Year!" Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects by Paul Chandler and Soundbible. Thanks to Foul Monkeys for the brief clip of Adam discussing our chat on #FM-886 (Copyright Foul Monkeys, 2019.) All remaining content is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2019. This episode was recorded on the 27th October 2019.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up - as promised - after a few days away we are back and heading out live onto the P48 stream!



Here we are for episode 296! Paul and the regulars are back in the studio for their ever-unpredictable live show for November! Paul talks with the chat-room, launches a quiz, encounters a potentially psychic cast-member and receives some shocking revelations via a fortune cookie or three! It's also the last time we'll be LIVE on the stream before episode 300! Our extras this time are mainly clips from episodes of Big Fatty Online released around Halloween 2019 and two clips from Tastes Like Burning (episodes 278/282); we also have a piece of Halloween prose and a brief unused conversation from this year's Shy Life Podcast Halloween special. Our next episode, #297 sees us sharing our adventures in a diary episode that I recorded during my birthday week away! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects by Paul Chandler and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2019 - except for the clips from Big Fatty Online and Tastes Like Burning which belong to their pod-creators. This episode was recorded LIVE on Sunday 17th November 2019; with extra material recorded recently. 

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up - a diary episode recorded during time off that Mr Yeti took during the week of his birthday!



Here we are for episode 297! This time Mr Yeti shares with you a recording that he made whilst he was away for his birthday earlier in the month. How did he celebrate? Where did he stay? Who came with him? Have a little listen and you will learn the answer to this and much more! Thanks to all special guests who feature in this edition, especially Toby and also to Nick G who features in our archive clip. Our next episode, #298 finds Paul catching up with a number of friends - listen to the voices and see if you recognise any of them! Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Thank you to Big Fatty for use of clips from episodes 3055 (25/10/19) and 3065 (08/10/10) of Big Fatty Online. All remaining content is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2019. This episode was recorded between Sunday 10th and Friday 15th November 2019. 

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


I won't write much about my recent trip as all will be revealed during episode 297 - we mainly pottered! We pottered to our Malmaison hotel in Charterhouse Square on my actual birthday (and I managed to break my suitcase in Wimbledon Station on the way there!) - on the Monday we pottered to Liverpool Street and then pottered (by train!) to Colchester where we settled into our home for the week (Peake's House!) We visited the shops (quite a lot - especially Marks and Spencers, HMV and Debenhams!) and had a nice lunch in Wagamamas (I couldn't record as there was too much Copyright protected music playing!) We visited Colchester Castle Park and the castle itself - which was very noisy and full of screaming school kids; we also visited the gallery and I spent quite a bit on cards. Other than that we enjoyed spending time in Peake's House with our real live log fire listening to radio ghost stories from the 1940s and beyond! A week well spent and it went far too quickly, of course! Before we go - here are some more photos from our time away!

Next time we'll be reviewing all recently released shows up until episode 300 - and we'll probably be into December by then...

That's all for now... Take care - more soon,

Yeti hugs,

Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx



November is done, but we have many new episodes in the pipe-line! Our schedule list does tend to change every time I post, but right about now this is a pretty good guide to the episodes that we are hoping to release over the next few months; not to forget our monthly LIVE episode! Anyway - take a look at what else we have in store...

Anyway, here is our current schedule!

298. Hearing Voices! (Some You May Know!)

This episode we are catching up with people - Wifey Jo, Tim and Nathan on the radio, Old Friend Paul - not to mention one or two others; we also dip into the Yeti Archives to take a peek at what remains of a lost episode that was never fully completed back in 2018!

299. Getting Ready For The Big Day!

Paul catches up with the regulars as the date of the big wedding draws closer - all seems quite normal until Ikk uncovers a sinister hidden message...

300. The Wedding Of Bettina Du Pres and Dameus Twinklehorn!

It's the wedding of the year - but will it go smoothly; you'll have to listen and find out...

301. The One After The Wedding!

Paul and Co. report back about things that have happened since the wedding! Mysteries deepen!

302. Live Pride48 Show - December 2019

Paul and the regulars are back in the studio for their ever-unpredictable live show for October!

303. The Shy Life (Poetry Collection) - 10th Anniversary Show

Paul heads out and about to celebrate the third of three 10 year poetry anniversaries during 2019.

304. Christmas Stories From The Archives...

Paul shares a previously untold story about when they went to visit Albert The Dragon just before Christmas last year - whilst elsewhere there is drama for some of the rest of the cast!

305. Shy Yeti Gets Back To Scotland!

We join Paul and Calum as they head back to Dunbar for a few days. Nessie is having problems and seeks help with the podcast gang. Meanwhile Paul's management is keen that Paul should offer himself as Nessie's exclusive biographer; only Nessie really doesn't want to be interviewed as he has a very large secret! We also speak to Lisa and Trowby about some quite obscure "mythical" beasties.

306. Christmas Day 2019 - Live With Shy Yeti!

There will be a number of live episodes over Christmas and New Year - TBC!

307. A Surprise Visitor!

Mr Yeti receives a surprise visitor - and there is plenty of chatter!

308. Happy New Year 2020 - With Shy Yeti!

There will be a number of live episodes over Christmas and New Year - TBC!

309. Shy Life Podcast Review For 2019! - Part 1 of 2

Plans for the 2019 Review episodes are already under-way - with a number of guests lined up!

310. Shy Life Podcast Review For 2019! - Part 2 of 2

Plans for the 2019 Review episodes are already under-way - with a number of guests lined up!

311. Christmas And New Year 2019 Diary...

Paul shares some of what he got up to during his Christmas And New Year break!

312. Ikk's Questions Round The Archives!

Ikk has questions for the RTA gang - but will Yeti Uncle John's curiosity get the better of him!?

313. Whatever Happened To Dusty The Scone-eating Dandelion? (Or Adam episode??)

We head back a few months to the summer as Paul and company head to the Isle Of Wight in search of a long-lost friend called Dusty! It's also Calum's birthday!!

314. Goodbye To...

When one of their favourite podcasts calls it a day the gang worry about how Ikk will take the news!

315. Shy Yeti And The Podfading Charity Event!

Paul and Co. report back about things that have happened since the wedding! Mysteries deepen!

316. Groove Is In The Love Shack!

Nick and I discuss the big hits of 1990 on both sides of the pond!

317. The Truth About Deeley Cat!

When Ikk obtains some new equipment, Paul learns a shocking truth about Deeley's true identity!

318. His Name Is Shy Yeti - But You Can Call Him Bob!

Paul gets anxious about getting called by the wrong name in a coffee shop and the regulars chat!

319. Charlie Grrr and The Pie With The Pastry Plumage!

Charlie relates the tale of the pie with the pastry plumage... Not everyone is impressed!

320. Dr Ikk Will See You Now!

Bettina is in hospital - Yeti Uncle John visits Tallulah - and Ikk gets his tentacles out to help Paul!

321. Harry The Fanboy And Other Entertaining Amusements!

Harry talks to Paul about his love for a certain pop group and we also catch up with additional chat!

322. Shy Yeti And The Bubble Of Time!

An accident during one of Ikk's experiments leaves some of the cast trapped in a time-bubble! Yikes!

323. A Catchy Tune... But It's Too Much Information!

Harry asks Paul whether he'd help sing another song with him - but this time he calls in old friend Tallulah Twinklehorn to give him a few extra singing lessons!

324. Shy Yeti Valentine's Day Edition For 2020!

It's a tricky time of year and Mr Yeti is never certain quite how to celebrate it... well, here it is!!

325. Hits Of The Jubilee Year!

Nick and I discuss the big hits of 1977 as we approach the 1970s backwards... Weird, aye!?!

326. Robot Big Fatty Update!

We join Paul and the gang to see how the Big Fatty Robot is coping with life on The Shy Life little show...

327. Keeping Mum...

Nick and I share more interesting conversations with our mothers for Mother's Day - 22 March 2020!

### Additionally:

There will - most probably - be live shows every month; but we also have plenty of other episodes either in planning or partially recorded. 

### Gordon The Crypt-keeper In Need!

Gordon is back - but he has recently lost his job! Mr Yeti does his best to try and help him out...

### Three Wishes For Shy Yeti!

Paul reflects on his recent meeting with a genie who granted him three wishes... However ever did he use them? Wisely one would hope!! 

### A Whole Lot Of Smellcast Goings On!

Paul and Jay try to find a way to belatedly celebrate the 500th episodes and 10th anniversary of The Smellcast; but they're not sure quite HOW to do it!

### The Return Of Dameus The Interviewer

Dameus interviews all manner of podcasting celebrities as part of his return to the chat-show circuit.

### The Will Of The People

There is bad feeling in Shy Life Podcast-land when the "will of the people" threatens to cause trouble for the show!

### The Truth About The Shy Life Podcast!

We look back at some of the scandal that has affected the little show over the years - the lives - the loves and maybe we'll even learn the truth about who pushed Zap down the stairs in episode 200!

### The New Caretaker / "Where's Me Booook!?"

What with Yeti Uncle John often being up in space - Bettina gives Paul the details of a caretaker who used to work on her Estate... It seems like a good idea until it becomes evident that this gentleman swings from being extremely lazy to shovelling every last thing into a bin bag... What ever will happen when he reaches the basement and finds all the tat in Cromitty's laboratory; what will happen to all those priceless Sutton Park tapes? For that matter will Cuthbert make it through the night!?!

### Re-connecting With The Past

Paul catches up with Cromitty and Martin and is excited to learn that Cuthbert has a few added advances that makes it possible to re-connect with the past via old episodes of SUTTON PARK... Ikk is slightly doubtful about it all - but he and Paul soon get to experience the process first-hand. Unfortunately his upgrade also unearths the control of a certain app that was once installed on him! 

### Bettina and the robot butler

This episode sees Paul visiting Bettina only to find out that the house has recently become robotically automated; also Wifey Jo play a card game with Cuthbert.

### The Continuing Mystery Of Long Lost Cousin Algernon

A number of episodes that involve Martin's investigation into Long Lost Cousin Algernon. What will he find?

### Bits And Bobs and Bobs And Bits - Mk 2

More clips from the archives and recent conversations that don't have a home!!

### Shy Yeti And The Shame Inspectors

Shy Yeti gets more than he expects when he receives a visit from Isaac and Declan from That's A Shame podcast - they are constantly on the lookout for Shame sources - but this time they have Paul in their sights!

### Behind The Scenes - Fiction Within Fiction!

Paul looks back at how he used to film Sutton Park behind the scenes on some of Nick's films - with clips from both Tide Of Freedom and Evil Trophy and the equally as dramatic Sutton Park episodes recorded during these productions. 

### Episode One Billion

We look forward a year or two to see how things are going for The Shy Life Podcast as we hit episode One Billion. Things are a little more advanced - but all the gang are still on board!!

### The First Last Shy Life Podcast Episode

This is the last episode of The Shy Life Podcast episode... or is it? 
(Recorded in July 2019 - but not scheduled for release, as yet)

### The Second Last Shy Life Podcast Episode

This is our Second attempt at a last episode of The Shy Life Podcast... Might it be real this time!?

This post and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2019