Tuesday, November 22, 2016



Hello beasties,

This week on our blog we're going to focus on our two most recent episodes of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST - one which involves my old school friend, Paul H and the second being my live show on Pride48! Deeley is also here to make the post look extra lovely; these photos were taken just before his 12th birthday whilst I was recording for one of the podcast with Toppie Smellie, one Saturday morning in early October.

Here are some of the details of our last two shows - episodes 34 and 35 of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST... 


Here we are for episode THIRTY FOUR and it's a previously unpublished chat which I recorded back in September - and the return of my friend Other Paul - this time with his husband, Alex. Our conversation was recorded during a nice dinner at Rules Restaurant in Covent Garden, London. We were there for a while before heading to the theatre - so these are the highlights! This episode we also hear briefly from our usual team of players! Our next episode, number 35 - will be from our second live show on Pride48. Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. This episode and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2016. Episode 34 was recorded between the 10th September and the 17th November 2016.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

34: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-34-pushing-the-boat-out


Here we are for episode THIRTY FIVE and it's our second live show!! All the regulars are with us - not to mention a number of familiar names in the chatroom... There are also a number of poems and stories from Mr Yeti's book ARE WE THERE, YETI!? (2013) and also an exclusive - unpublished new poem completed that very day! Our next episode, number 36 - sees us heading for Venice for a two-part Italian birthday special! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. This episode and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2016. Episode 35 was recorded on Sunday 20th November 2016, with additional links recorded on Wednesday 16th November 2016.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

35: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/35output

The next four photos are of Deeley, again - from another occasion in mid-November, when he listened in to me recording voices for episode 34 and 35 of the podcast. I'm not sure he approves!

This weekend I've also been recording a few bits and pieces for a future podcast around Hampton Court Palace gardens and Bushy Park. I'm not sure which episode they will appear in - but I suspect it won't be until one of the early 2017 episodes, as I have quite a lot already pre-recorded for the rest of 2016. We shall see...

I also took a few deadly serious photos to promote the live show - I hope it got the message across that we're a very serious podcast that focuses on the most important issues of the day.

Before we go I'd like to share with you a poem that I was working on last week and which I finished at the weekend. It's just a silly little piece about libraries and shushing. I was pleased that I finished it in time to debut it on my live show on the 20th. There is a slightly different version of the 4th verse - but it's a bit ruder, so you'll have to wait until I release my next book of verse to see what exactly that entails!

Yeti hugs,

Paul xx


The Shush Police…
Are on your case…
They saw you speaking -
And libraries don’t like -
Folk who chatter…
Crushed in their Stacks -
Until you’re flatter…
You’ll soon be feeling –
Faint and sickly…
They do not lend -
Forgiveness quickly…
The Shush Police..
They do not linger -
And swiftly you’ll -
Receive the finger!

The Shush Police…
They’re onto you…
They’ll prize your nails off -
With bamboo…
Revenge is sweet -
But best served cold!
These ancient ways -
Do not grow old…
Those ancient ways -
Make life AMAZING!!
What type of hell -
Might they be raising…
The Shush Police…
Won’t warn you twice…
For they love the chance -
To slice and dice!!

The Shush Police…
Can be a menace…
They don’t pat dogs -
They don’t play tennis…
They don’t approve -
Of fun AT ALL…
You can’t sweet talk ‘em -
They won’t play ball…
They keep their eye -
On all their readers…
And do not trust -
“The Little Bleeders…”
The Shush Police –
Work for themselves...
There's barbed wire -
On the Reference Shelves!

The Shush Police…
Like peace and quiet...
So tip-toe -
To avoid a riot!
I'm not saying that -
They're often violent!
But I wouldn't risk it -
So best stay silent!
Just read your book -
Just sit and stare...
They're dressed in -
Skimpy underwear...
The Shush Police –
So tall! So bushy…
Broad-shouldered hunks…
So VERY shushy!!

This piece and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler 2016.