Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I've been rather distracted by other projects recently - but am planning a bit of a re-launch of Poetiquette, probably sometime in the new year.

So, what have I been up to since the summer - mainly writing TALES OF A SHY YETI, which you can find posted up at - a project which also can be purchased at 2.50 (+ £1 P&P) in a printed form which also includes reprints from my 2003 blogsite WORLD OF YETI and also some of the older, more furrier examples of my poetry.

So far 2 stories have been completed and are ready to buy/view: THE TALES OF THE BIRTHDAY BEAR and THE TALE OF THE TENBY SAUSAGES and episodes are being posted up once a week on the Shy Yeti blog. (Currently up to Part 4 of the 2nd story as of today...) The third story is almost ready to go and the 4th is currently being written.

As of Story 4 I intend to include new poems in the printed volumes of Shy Yeti and the following new verse is one of those. I hope you enjoy it...

Bye for now!

Paul x


I wouldn't want to be 18 again...
I wouldn't want to be young...
I would rather not endure it...
I would rather just be hung!
I would rather I was dipped...
Into a vat of rancid pears...
I would rather go play kiss chase -
In a forest full of bears!

No, don't make me 18 again...
It's a fate far worse than spots...
I'd rather do your housework, naked...
Yes - I'll scrub your pans and pots...
It's an age when you get growlly...
When you've not yet grown your claws...
When you're feuding with your family...
To champion EVERY useless cause!

Please! I will not be 18 again...
I know I'm sounding weird...
Back then my clothes were gothic...
I never laughed! I simply jeered...
I never flirted with my teacher...
Never had some heady fling!
I simply sat about and moaned some!
I never did a bloody thing!

Yes, I refuse to be 18 again...
There's no way I'm going back...
I'll not get another piercing -
Nor ever smoke another pack!
Yes, it's true my fur was flying...
Yes, my language was obscene...
But we snorted every substance...
And drunk whole pints of Windowlene!!

18 seems such a world away...
And far from being best...
It appears more like some torture...
Or some sad pathetic test...
Such thrills they soon grow boring...
Yes, the novelty wears out...
Replaced by aches and pains -
And a tendency for gout...

I may well become that youth again...
When I'm nearing eighty one...
When my years have all slipped by...
And all my memories have gone...
Should I embrace that second childhood?
Or like some wasp about to die...
Should I sting whoever's passing...
And just forget I once could fly...

Oh, the mystery of the ages...
Oh, the sights that I have seen...
If I have to be reborn soon...
Please, may I skip the age - EIGHTEEN!!!

P.S. You may also like to check out another of my recent blogsites. The online diary of Charlie Grrr - talking bear celebrity and Andy Warhol wannabe - which can be found at Charlie has just arrived in London and is finding that the city is far from the cosmopolitan paradise he had expected!!

Thanks to A.A. for the Photo - Copyright A.A. 2004.