Monday, March 27, 2017



Hello beasties!

This week - not only am I releasing a podcast of our 6th live Pride48 show, but I'm also putting together various bits and pieces to serve up a really fun-packed episode of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST... It's also a bit of a spring clean episode - using up some material for episodes that never really came together into episodes as I had originally planned. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed listening back to these recordings and it made me wish that I'd not let the episodes slip; still - you can listen now and enjoy! (I do hope you'll enjoy the episode!!)

Here are the details about the two new episodes...


Here we are for episode SIXTY TWO - a recording of our live show from Sunday 19th March 2017!! This time I discuss what I've been up to - interact with the chat-room, discuss future episodes and debut a new poem! All that and there is also a satellite link-up with Yeti Uncle John,  Bettina Du Pres and Dameus Twinklehorn who are preparing for some forthcoming podcast recording down in the country in April 2017. Our next episode, number 63 - sees us searching through the archives for episodes that never were - shows which were partially recorded but never completed. Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. This episode and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017. Episode 62 was recorded between the 21st February and the 19th March 2017, with the actual show performed on the 19th.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:



Here we are for episode SIXTY THREE - and we are delving back into the archives to share with you scenes from episodes that were partially recorded, but never completed. Episode themes include Jack The Ripper, an Open Mic Night and a trip down The Lambeth Walk in London. There are poems, plays and even a return to our random questions section! There is also a lot from our regulars who are, of course, involved in our shenanigans! Thank you to our guest this time - poet, John Smallshaw! Our next episode, number 64 - is our April Fool's Day episode! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. This episode and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017. Episode 63 was recorded between the 20th August 2016 and the 14th March 2017.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

The photos that follow were actually taken during the recording of one of the unfinished episodes that is included in this particular edition - the scenes around Brick Lane which were part of a Jack The Ripper-themed episode that I never completed. It's something that I could return to at a later date - although if I did I think it would make more sense to begin again from the start. Still, it's nice to be able to share with you the audio that was recorded and photos that were taken back in October, and to move on, for now...

Here are some of the pretty pictures that I took whilst recording around Spitalfields and Brick Lane with Toby on Sunday 23rd October 2016.

Next time we'll be sharing a new yeti script with you and I'll also be busy recording new episodes and probably taking a lot of photos for future blog-posts somewhere in deepest, darkest Kent... It'll be fun!!

Take care - more soon!

Yeti hugs,

Paul xx

This post and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017.