Friday, May 17, 2002

Before I go... As promised yesterday - a tale of REINCARNATION...
See you soon!


From life to life…
She's been and gone…
From Joan Of Arc -
To Little John!
She once was Bach!
She once was Keats!
The man behind -
Re-clining seats!
She's been a Pope!
She's been a Squaddy!
A member of -
From Lady Jane -
To Henry Tudor!
Important mould -
That's grown on Gouda!
The apple shot -
By William Tell…
Inventor of -
Blue Minty Gel!
The very first -
Egg ever fried!
Bath water when -
"Eureka!" cried!
Took Nobel Prize!
Crowned Spanish King!
Taught the Beatles -
How to sing!
But now - you see,
She's only her -
Not the force -
That once she were…
No more a Royal -
Nor poet, Auden -
Just plain old Maggie -
Traffic Warden… :)

Thursday, May 16, 2002

Hello... The countdown to the world tour - errr - counts down... Only two days to go! Have just written a fab poem about reincarnation... I'll post it later - must dash - lunch with Fatima beckons! HURRAH! ;)

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

Terribly sorry chaps and chappesses - been terribly busy sprucing meself up for the World Tour! I never realised quite how much work it would entail. It's been absolutely hectic - but... I have found time to write you something nice before I go... Have a read and I'll say toodle pip for now...


Things ain't what they used to be…
Nothing outlives change…
The shifting sands of time move on…
Drifting out of range…

There are no meringue birds,
In the old meringue trees…
Someone stole their nests…
As a witty student wheeze!

No Billy goats across the bridge,
Or evil troll beneath…
No toad residing in it's hole…
Or Wombles on the heath…

Things ain't what they used to be…
Nothing's built to last…
The quality has fallen -
All the great's have been recast…

E.T. no longer calls his Mam,
Daleks growing slow…
They prefer to just play Scrabble…
In a cosy bungalow…

The Rolling Stones no longer roll…
The Beatles busk in malls…
Bill and Ben no longer buddies,
The Friends no longer pals…

Things ain't what they used to be…
Now everyone's a "Star…"
"Classic's" two-a-penny…
Manufactured by the jar…

Alice fled her Wonderland…
The Thunderbirds have flown…
Harry Potter's lost his magic…
Jack's poor beanstalk overgrown!
The Famous Five are down to four…
The Secret Seven split…
Lassie's feeling selfish -
Even Postman Pat has quit!

Things ain't what they used to be…
Nothing's what it was…
Why can't it be like that again?