Hello beasties,
Here's a little extra reading for you, this week - as it's topical...
More on Monday!
Yeti hugs,
Paul xx
PS Check out my SPOOKYCREEP posts on Twitter @SHYYETI Although there are only two, so far!!
There are sad looking zombies skulking around by the tube station
opposite where I live, this morning and what appears to be a werewolf in a tank
Seriously, orange and pink stripes? I guess it matches his eyes...
Something makes me think that Halloween didn't go so well for them this
This is the hangover of all that blood lust.
People just weren't going out last night. It was too wet and nobody “invited”
the vampires in; not even the sexy ones.
Nobody was feeling charitable or maybe they've finally wised up.
Today there are blood-stains on the wall by the boards where the
train-times are listed. How long will it take them to clear up that mess?
Last night a poltergeist went crazy out there, spinning about amongst
the returning commuters. It seemed like they were out there screaming for
hours, but in the end I think the poltergeist was screaming too.
I called The Police after about twenty minutes, but they never came so I
watched The Sound Of Music in just my vest and pants. I made nachos and cheese
too, boy were they good.
It's kind of quiet now. Yet even through the double-glazing, I can hear
one of them crying.
I'm thinking that it's probably that old vampire woman that I saw
sitting on the swings in the Park as I came back from the post office around
dusk yesterday.
I presumed I’d still be safe at that time of day, but I think a lot of
that lot have forgotten the rules – it’s as if those old conventions about
sunlight, garlic and crosses no longer work. I saw a werewolf with pierced ears
last week – they were actually made from silver bullets.
I stared at her just that little too long and she turned into a bat
right in front of me.
She flapped lethargically in my general direction, but I just walked faster.
In the end I think she was disorientated and got caught in some netting
that the Police put up over the crime scene at the weekend. Did you hear about
Apparently they put the netting up to cover a pair of statues that
suddenly showed up. Rumour has it that two gorgons were arguing over a man or a
cigarette or maybe both and they ended up turning one another to stone.
Really, the monsters just couldn't get it together this year...
Even the yeti that used to run the corner shop has sold up and gone back
to whatever mountain he grew up on.
But you know what, I think our days are numbered, that the night
creatures will rally back.
Because it’s weird… It’s like things are changing… I mean, yesterday in
the park I presumed I’d still be safe at that time of day, but I think some of
the supernaturals have forgotten the rules – they’re not scared any more;
nothing has the same effect. It’s as if those old conventions about sunlight,
garlic and crosses stopped working.
I saw a werewolf with pierced ears last week – with studs actually made
from silver bullets.
I can still hear that vampire woman, she's fluttering about in the loft
space somewhere above my head. It's probably time I did the decent thing and
put her out of her misery; the ladder to the attic works – I oiled the
mechanism no more than a month ago.
I could be up there in a moment; because I won't be able to relax if she
keeps sobbing like that all day. I'm doing it for her benefit... For my benefit.
Now... Where's my stake?
Sure, she'll be scared when she first sees me, but then glad in the end
that I found her and helped her out of her misery...
Next Halloween things may work out better for them – and then where
shall we be!?
THE MORNING AFTER HALLOWEEN is Copyright Paul Chandler 2012 and will appear in one of his collections during 2013.