Tuesday, August 29, 2017



Hello beasties!

This week we're in the Lake District!! More about that in a minute...

Of course, even when I'm on holiday I don't take a break from recording and editing; why would I? It's my idea of fun! I finished episode 100, as you saw in the previous post, during the first few days of the trip and then moved on to the next three episodes, as follows during the rest of my time off: 


Here we are for episode ONE HUNDRED AND ONE - where this time we return to Mr Yeti's home town of Salisbury to catch up with some of his family at the same time as Alena, his niece, is visiting over from America. Alena encounters the regulars, answers some random questions and also investigates Mr Yeti's Harry Potter credentials. This episode we also chat with Nick G about some of the adventures from the early days of their friendship - and, of course, there are also poems. Thanks to all who took part in this edition of the show! Our next episode, number 102 - features an interview with a familiar name from Pride48, but you'll have to wait and see who that might be! Do join us, won't you? It'll be fun! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017.  Episode 101 was recorded between the 6th May and 21st August 2017. 

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

I hope you enjoy the episode! You'll get to hear my mum, dad, brother and niece all in one episode! Oh, and Nick, of course - and he's honorary family! :) I've also released another episode...


Here we are for episode ONE HUNDRED AND TWO - where this time we listen into a chat between Mr Yeti and Pride48's Babaloo! There are also poems and we hear from some of the regulars; Aunt Tappie is also hoping to connect with Ikk! Thanks to Babaloo for agreeing to be interviewed, to our regulars for connecting and also to Aunt Tappie for contributing some important messages. Our next episode, number 103 is our 12th live Pride48 show and Ikk is looking for someone to share a secret with! Do join us, won't you? It'll be a party! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017.  Episode 102 was recorded between the 22nd July and 8th August 2017. 

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

102: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-102-causing-a-hullabaloo-with-babaloo

This episode was with Pride48's Babaloo who had his own podcast in the past and is also closely related to the show "Pod Is My Co-Pilot" in that he is the husband of Taylor The Latteboy and good friends with Taffy and Rodan. We interviewed Taffy back in episode 94 and she also made a brief appearance during episode 100! Do check out "Pod Is My Co-pilot" on iTunes etc, if you don't already subscribe.


Here we are for episode ONE HUNDRED AND THREE - where this time we catch up with the chat-room and discuss what's been going on since our last live show... We hear from some of the regulars, Aunt Tappie is in a panic and Ikk has a plan that Dameus approves of! There are also some of Mr Yeti's poems as extra content in the podcast version of the episode. Our next episode, number 104 is all about stories and storytellers and there are a number of special guests lined up to tell their tales! Do join us, won't you? It'll be a blast! Please email me at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017.  Episode 103 was recorded on Sunday 27th August 2017, with some pre-recorded inserts recorded on the 22nd August 2017. Thanks also to Toppie Smellie for liasing with Aunt Tappie for her contribution to this episode.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

103: https://soundcloud.com/shyyeti/the-shy-life-podcast-103-our-12th-live-pride48-show

I was determined to get a live episode out in August, as I'd been away the week before when I was supposed to do my show! It was good to get on the stream and catch up with some of the listeners!

Right, time to tell you more about my week in the lovely Lake District!!

Friday 18th August 2017

Well, our journey up to Braithwaite wasn't ideal - mainly due to the train between Euston and Penrith being packed and despite having paid £120 return per person we'd still not been designated an exact seat and ended up sitting on two mini seats in a corridor by a smelly toilet. Well done, Virgin Trains! Thanks for that. Thankfully our buses to Braithwaite via Keswick were more comfortable and well-timed. We didn't do much once we'd arrived - just had dinner and watched some TV, Michael Palin's 80 Days Around The World, and the 70s detective show, Jason King. As I watched I worked on Episode 100 of the podcast, whilst Toby retired for an early night.

Saturday 19th August 2017

We didn't go very far today - well, into a rainy Keswick to WHSMITHS to buy postcards and BOOTHS to get food; but that was about it. We'd have stayed longer - but it was busy and wet and so our enthusiasm was quite literally dampened. I did record a little for our Lake District episode of the podcast - which unlike the Scottish episode will be recorded out of order to make it less of an diary and more of an actual story. I was able - not without some considerable effort due to the poor internet quality - to get episode 100 completed, loaded up and released by the evening and so our anniversary show was finally out there, less than 15 months since the pilot episode was released. The rest of the evening was spent watching movies, namely Mr Holmes (which was new to me and which I thoroughly enjoyed) and Absolutely Fabulous - The Movie (one of the few films that I've seen at the cinema in the last couple of years.)

Sunday 20th August 2017

Today we were quite the action men; at least compared to Saturday! We caught the bus into Keswick and then headed for Derwentwater (the lake) and took the boat around to Lodore Falls. We had planned to visit them - but the path to them was closed and the re-directioned route went out of the way by 20 minutes or so; and so we headed on around the lake instead. We stopped for lunch just short of the landing stage at High Brandelhow - watching dogs swimming in the water; I also recorded a section of the podcast before we headed on. I had intended that we'd catch the launch again at Low Brandelhow but, despite there being no warning hat we had seen anyway - Low Brandelhow landing stage was in a state of disrepair (literally not connected to the land!) Quite how that had occurred, I'm not sure... Had a boat backed into it? Had - as our podcast humorously theorises - Nessie knocked it over in a fit of pique? At any rate - it meant we had to walk on to Hawes End, which wasn't too much further - but we missed the launch we'd hoped to catch and ended up going the long way back to Keswick. After picking up more shopping we caught the bus back to Braithwaite and spent the evening watching films - Ghostbusters (2016) and the first half of Alien (1979). I also watched more of the 70s show, Thriller (Double Kill) whilst working on the next podcast episode.

Monday 21st August 2017

Today we decided to stay closer to home - so I watched some more Thriller and started working on episode 101. Just before lunch I headed up to a quiet spot in the gardens and recorded slightly short of 30 minutes worth of voices to dub over the sounds that I recorded when we were on the lake yesterday. Other than that it was a pretty quiet day...

Tuesday 22nd August 2017

Today we headed for Carlisle, via Penrith! Quite a journey too! Buses and train trips all over the place... When we got there it was really busy and also muggy and so all we did was have lunch in Marks And Spencer and buy food for dinner - plus a quick stop at HMV to buy a DVD each. We caught the train back to Penrith only a couple of hours after we'd arrived (we'd both done most of the main tourist sights, castle etc on previous visits) and were back in Braithwaite (via two buses) a good while before dinner. I took the chance, once again, to record more voices for the beginning of my Lake District episode - as well as recording voices to insert during my next live episode on Sunday 27th August; not to mention recording messages for future Big Fatty Online, Vera Speaks For Real and Tastes Like Burning episodes. After dinner I had an early night for a change.

Wednesday 23rd August 2017

Today I headed out on a solo mission - taking the number 77 bus (or was it the 77A!?) up the Whinlatter Pass via Buttermere. I wasn't 100% sure what my intentions were or if I was even going to get off the bus at Buttermere as it didn't look like there was much there. Thankfully I did get off and followed other walkers down to a path which quickly led down to the lake at Buttermere. I took plenty of new photos - most of which I will probably set aside for use when I eventually post the Lake District episode; although you may see some of them on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook if you follow me before that episode is released. The weather was mainly sunny, slightly overcast but it was a very good location for eating lunch and podcasting. As I hadn't expected to have the time to record I came up with an additional scene to include in my Lake District episode - a flashback to the time that I met a friendly spook called Francis, The Ghost Of Buttermere. I didn't really have the time nor energy to do a lap of the lake - so just fed the invisible ducks (I had bread, there were no ducks - but I still threw the bread into the stream - hoping it would reach them eventually!) I took a look at the waterfall before heading back to the cafe and the bus stop. I had planned to have tea and an ice cream, but due to indecisive customers ended up only having time for tea before the bus came. Never mind though - I did have time to get a Victoria Sponge for Toby and I when I had to change buses at Keswick briefly. The home journey from Buttermere was very dramatic - travelling up over The Catbells and along the side of Derwentwater that we had walked along earlier in the week, although much higher up and therefore with different views. I also had company in the form of newly downloaded podcasts from Pride48's Big Fatty and Adam Burns - not to mentioning listening to the latest edition of Round The Archives, my friend Lisa and Trowby's podcast about cult tv; which I was also on talking about the TV show, Bergerac! I was home by about 3 - but it all felt like quite a busy day and there was plenty of time to give mum a bell, catch up with some editing and then watch films with Toby over dinner.

Thursday 24th August 2017

We didn't go far - but I did finish episode 101 which was an episode that I recorded with my niece and family back in late July. The episode also includes conversations between Nick Goodman and myself about the early days of our friendship; recorded earlier in the summer. 

Friday 25th August 2017

Friday was going home day and we headed off early, so nothing to report - other than a long journey; but we were back by mid-afternoon as we took an earlier than intended train which ran without delay. Once home I began editing again (of course I did!) Moving on to episode 102, editing the sketches that I'd recorded for other shows and also preparing for my next live show on Sunday...

Here are some photos from the trip - most of these were taken in the first couple of days and are either of Braithwaite, where we stayed - or of our walk around Derwentwater...

We also met our old friend Mystery Hen who we first encountered up here about four years ago and who inspired a poem in me; only he (shouldn't it be "she", now I'm not sure!) has had a make-over and is now made of pottery... Apparently he no longer solves crimes, merely clucks.

This bench became my favourite place to record voices to over-dub on sounds that I'd recorded on our troubles... I sat up here on Monday and Tuesday evenings before dinner just talking to myself (well, recording it for the podcast) and there was a lovely view to be had from up there with only a minimum of scrambling up slopes.

Next time we'll be... Actually, I'm not 100 percent sure what we'll be up to next... I'm thinking of writing a new prose piece or something to go with whatever podcast chatter that I have in mind! Anyway, check back next week and I'm pretty sure there will be something!

That's all for now...

Take care - more soon,

Yeti hugs,

Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx

This post and all contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2017.