Tuesday, August 01, 2023



Hello beasties!

This time on the blog we'll be looking at the episodes of the podcast released during July 2023...

First up, we finally get some big answers for some important questions concerning August Evans!!



Here we are for episode 651! In which Paul and Bettina finally work out the secrets of what happened to August Evans (formerly known as Dameus Twinklehorn) during his "missing" six months! It's time to confront Hubert Gentry again! We also have a recent chat with Wifey Jo and a new composition by Muffleyontour which kicks in at the 40m, 40s mark! Thanks to Toppie Smellie for his guest cameo this edition and for arranging for Hubert Gentry to be available as required!! Our next episode, #652 sees the return of Birthday Twin Andy for more discussion of some Australian TV classics. Email us at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Harry F, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2023. Episode 651 was recorded between the 25th and 26th February 2023. Wifey Jo's chat was recorded on the 20th June 2023.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, Paul and Andy Birthday Twin discuss the beginnings of two of their favourite Aussie dramas!



Here we are for episode 652! In which Paul and Andy Birthday-twin catch up to discuss the beginnings of two of their favourite Aussie dramas! In our next episode #653 it is time for Bettina to think back to the past - but she needs Paul to help her out along the way! Email us at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Harry Fulton, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2023. Episode 652 was recorded on the 18th June 2023.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up, Bettina calls in Paul and some of the gang to help record a blu-ray commentary!



Here we are for episode 653! In which Bettina requests that Paul help with the recording of an audio commentary for a boxset of some of her movies and so Paul calls in a few favours... but there are also one or two mysteries that emerge! Toppie Smellie and Aunt Tappie are also on hand to attend the recording and have plenty of questions to ask along the way and there is a mysterious gentleman called Bruno in the audience... is he just a fan of Bettina's or maybe something more!?! We also learn that Deeley has many nicknames! In addition we have some new music by Muffleyontour entitled 102 which comes in at the 28 minute, 51 second mark. Many thanks to Toppie and Muffley for their assistance with this edition and also to Aunt Tappie for her time! Our next show, #654 sees Paul and Martin discuss more of the music stars of 1975 and 1976!  Please join us if you can! Email us at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Harry F, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2023. Episode 653 was recorded on the 25th February 2023. Thanks also to Patryk Kudla for the use of his photo on the Soundcloud edition of this show.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up, Paul and Martin discuss more of the music stars of 1975 and 1976!



Here we are for episode 654!  In which Paul and Martin discuss more of the big and little musical stars of 1975 and 1976! It's a natter-fest! Our next show, #655 sees us investigating more fortune cookies and Bettina relates a very odd tale from her past! Email us  at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour, Harry F and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2023. Episode 654 was recorded on the 18th January 2023. Please note: This episode was recorded before Ikk's recent... troubles... and hence he appears briefly in this edition of the show!

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, there are more fortune cookies and Bettina relates a very odd tale from her past!



Here we are for episode 655! In which there are more fortune cookies and Bettina relates a very odd tale from her past! We also talk about old television with Paul, Nick G, Andy C and Aly - all about the shows THE MIND OF MR JG READER (1969), ADAM ADAMANT LIVES! (1966), BAT MAN (1967) and SHADOWS (1978) - plus a bonus chat about the 2019 film THE GOOD LIAR! Our next episode, #656 sees us celebrating the 20th anniversary of Paul's poetry collection, GO 4TH & DIVIDE! Do join us! Email us at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Harry F, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other episode content is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2023. Episode 655 was recorded between the 24th and 26th February 2023, with the TV show discussions being recorded between the 18th and 19th February 2023, whilst we go back to the 5th November 2022 for the movie chat. 

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, we celebrate 20 years of Paul's poetry collection, GO 4TH AND DIVIDE! 



Here we are for episode 656! In which Paul celebrates 20 years of his poetry collection - GO 4TH & DIVIDE by reading some of his favourite pieces from this collection! Our next episode, #657 sees Paul encounter a listener who claims to have listened to every single episode of the podcast but who appears to have had a very bad reaction to this!! Can it be true and if so what are the consequences - what can be done to help the poor lad?? Do join us! Email us at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Harry F, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2023. Episode 656 was recorded between the 17th and the 25th February 2023.

The 34 poems and prose included in this edition are as follows:

As Old As You Feel
Anything For Her Art
Black And White Cows
Breakages Must Be Paid For
Conversations Overheard
Dark Horse
Dating Season
Did You Keep The Receipt?
Excuse Me, But Are You The Love Of My Life?
Exit Pursued By A Yeti
Furry From The Deep
A Gap In The Market
Got It All!
He Sang!
How Long Have You Two Been Together?
Hunt The Tattoo
I Am Not A Good Enemy To Make!
If You Loved Me, You Wouldn't...
Just An Everyday Werewolf!
Killing Time!
Love And Amnesia
Meanwhile Elsewhere...
My Last Love (Until The Next One!)
Revolution On The 8.15!
The Rockpool
Running Down Corridors
She Takes Off Her Rings...
Ten Days (Same As It Ever Was!)
We Have Mice...
Would You Deny Us?
What Would The World Do Without Me?
Not A Happy Bunny!

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

My new book, co-written with Nick Goodman - A Woman For All Reasons - is available both on Lulu and Amazon now and can be found at the following links!

On Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.co.uk/WOMAN-ALL-REASONS-Paul-Chandler/dp/1470971615/

More Shy Life Podcast Merch on Redbubble:

Shy Life Podcast - 2022 Logo Merch: 

There's plenty more on there and we'll be updating with the 2023 logos very soon!

That's all for now...

Take care - more soon,

Yeti hugs,

Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx


August is here now and we have lots of new episodes in the pipe-line! Our schedule list does tend to change every time I post, but right about now this is a pretty good guide to the episodes that we are hoping to release over the next few months; anyway - take a look at what else we have in store...

August 2023

657. Shy Yeti And The Unfortunate Tale Of The Very Silly Listener!

In which Paul learns some disturbing news about a listener - but what exactly is the truth?

658. Shy Yeti's Summer Chatterbox!

Paul is back with the Chatterbox gang to discuss all manner of topics - none of it being terribly summery!

659. Ozmandias The Talking Duck's First Day!

In which Ozy finally joins the team and meets all the regulars - how exactly will he get on!? Paul also finds himself daydreaming about what it would have been like to have been in rock band...

660. Shy Yeti's Secret Visitor!

When Paul hosts a secret visitor Yeti Uncle John suddenly gets ideas and drags Cromitty into his world of unfounded rumour and gossip!

661. Behind The Scenes With Yeti Uncle John and Cromitty!

We presents some bakery, catch up with Paul From School and Cromitty presents a quartet of conversations between himself and Yeti Uncle John!

662. Hanging Out With Toppie and Roger...

Paul pops over to see Toppie to catch up with some chat in the hope of doing some recording; he also meets Roger Bunting who is busy building Toppie and new rocket for The Smellcast!

663. The Most Random Episode Ever... This Week!

In which Paul and Nick deal with all sorts of randomness! (Recorded April 2023)

664. Yeti Uncle John's Money-spinner and Cromitty's Research Project!

In which YUJ gives to a worthy cause and Ikk's future remains in the balance!

665. Cromitty, Mylo And The Missing Letters!

In which YUJ has a revelation that involves the magpies... but what can be done?

666. The Cromitty And Yeti Uncle John Show!

Cromitty and Yeti Uncle John launch a pilot for a podcast of their own; is this really such a good idea?

September 2023

667. Robot Big Fatty's Film Premier And Other Misadventures - Part 1

In which Robot Big Fatty's Film Premier is about to take place - but disaster awaits in the wings!

668. Robot Big Fatty's Film Premier And Other Misadventures - Part 2

It is the night of the film premier - but something bad has occurred to Cuthbert! What is going on!?

669. Warren Predicts The Future Of TV In 1971!

In which Uncle Warren comes for a visit to do a chat about 1971 UK TV - but also predicts some events from future episodes of The Shy Life Podcast!

670. The Body Swap Episode!

In which Paul and Toppie end up swapping bodies during an accident in Cromitty's lab; however will they reverse it!?!

671. Paul And Martin's 4th 70s Musical Chit-Chat!

In which Paul and Martin discuss some more of the big and little stars of 1977! It's a chatter-fest!

672. YUJ - Writer/Director!

In which Yeti Uncle John writes a film about his life and all the gang have to star in it! Yikes!

673. The Autumnal EP... And More! (20th Anniversary Special)

In which Paul celebrates 20 years of his poetry collection - THE AUTUMNAL EP, plus we have a special guest!

674. YUJ And The Rather Bitey Snail!

In which YUJ gets bitten by a snail and all manner of trauma occurs as a result!

675. The Mysterious Arrival Of Alabaster Gutmunch!

In which Paul is excited by the arrival of a mysterious visitor named Alabaster Gutmunch - but who is he really!?

October 2023...

676. Paul And Harry's Late Summer Holiday!

In which Paul and Harry take Yeti Uncle John's holiday advice and head to the seaside for a late summer holiday!

677. The Return Of The Rather Bitey Snail!

In which the gang catch up with what happened to the rather bitey snail - and even learn it's name!

678. Uncle And The Big Blue Pills For Gentlemen!

In which Uncle Warren is back to talk TV and Yeti Uncle John has some nice blue pills to sell!

679. Shy Yeti, Toppie Smellie And The Great Ikk Rescue!

In which Paul locates Ikk and drags Toppie off to the Alternate Dimension as part of a bargaining chip to get Ikk back... but can the Alternate Dimension Paul and Toppie be trusted!?

680. Paul And Martin's 5th 70s Musical Chit-Chat!

In which Paul and Martin discuss some more of the big and little stars of 1978! It's a chatter-fest!

681. Ikk's Oh-So Frozen Visitors List!

In which the gang visit Ikk whilst he is in suspended animation - but things do not go quite as planned!

682. A Collection Of Nick And Paul Chats!

Mr Yeti collects together a number of chats on TV, Youtube and their video collections which were recorded back during lockdown but which have not previously been released! We also have more from Paul's 1990 diary!

683. Reginald Pipes' Big School Reunion!

In which Reginald begrudgingly attends an old school reunion which he knows is something entirely more sinister!

November 2023

684. Not As Shy As I Was! (10th Anniversary Special)

In which Paul celebrates 10 years of his poetry and prose collection - NOT AS SHY AS I WAS!

685. The Spectacular Phoenix Festival! Part 1

In which Tallulah is excited to announce her collaboration with Albert The Dragon at The Phoenix Festival on Bonfire night... but something isn't right! 

686. The Spectacular Phoenix Festival! Part 2

In which something is about to go dramatically wrong at the Phoenix Festival - but who is behind all the trouble?

687. A Century Worth Of Wisdom From The Birthday Twins!

In which Paul and Andy provide some advice by tapping into their almost a century worth of wisdom on the dawn of their 50th birthdays!

688. Shy Yeti's 50th Birthday Diary!

In which Paul shares a diary from behind the scenes of his 50th birthday and the days that follow...

689. Paul And Martin Hit The Late 70s!

In which Paul and Martin have a 6th chat about the 70s as they reach 1979 and find out who was big!

690. Shy Yeti's Night Of Gaming...

Paul tries to have an old-fashioned night of games - but it doesn't all quite go to plan...

691. Paul From School And The Very Delightful Dinner!

As a extra special belated birthday treat Paul From School takes Mr Yeti out for dinner!

December 2023 And Beyond...

692. The Return Of Voices From The Tape Department!

In which Paul shares some voices from the past from some recently unearthed audio tapes...

693. Paul And Martin Enter The 1980s!

In which Paul and Martin have a 7th chat about music - moving from 1979 into 1980!

694. The Unruly Avenger!

Paul unearths a story that he wrote 30 years ago and shares it with the listeners...

695. FOUND!! Lost Gems From The Yeti Archives!

In which Paul and Nick discuss lost tapes from the Yeti archives which have recently been uncovered!

### Additionally:

The following episodes are ones that I have been considering to record for some time - although there are a lot more in the planning stage that may be recorded first! There are also vague possibilities that characters from the early days such as Ethel The Landlady and Gordon The Cryptkeeper might return.

### Another Trip Back To 2020!

This episode is already partially recorded!
Paul shares some of the previously unheard chats with some of his guests about the episodes released during 2020.

### Shy Yeti's Miscellaneous Poetting!

Cuthbert goes back into the archives to explore more select nuggets from some of Paul's poetry videos!

### Haunt-cub And The Virtual Reality Dinosaur! 

Jay comes visiting once again with Aragog - who is ready to do another quiz. Meanwhile Cromitty has completed Jay's virtual reality dinosaur, but is still a little jealous of how Jay and Yeti Uncle John continually flirt!

### Nick And Paul's TV Chat! (A Flashback To September 2020!) 

This episode is already partially recorded!
This time we're looking back a few months to September 2020 - to see how then compares with now. Nick and Paul chat about some recently watched TV and also about their friends - with a few clips from Sutton Park to stir it all around! 

### A Trip Back To Mister Yeti's 30th Birthday!

This episode is already partially recorded!
On the eve of his 49th birthday Ikk takes Paul back to a party from 2003 where Paul was surprised soon after he turned 30! 

### Toppie And Yeti On Round The Archives - 2!

This episode is already partially recorded!
This episode we're cheating a bit and sharing some old Round The Archives articles that Paul and Toppie worked on in the hope that if you've not heard them then maybe you'll try out RTA itself! 

We also have this episode which - for the time being - will only be released if the show needs to end:

### The Second Last Shy Life Podcast Episode

This is our Second attempt at a final episode of The Shy Life Podcast... Might it be real this time!? It was recorded back in April 2022 and will remain in the archives for a good while yet!

These ones have been started but may never be completed because so much time has passed...

### The Curse Of The Halloween Machine!

Mysterious things are going on as the Halloween Machine is re-activated...

### You'd Be A Fool To Ban Easter!

This episode is sort of April Fool and Easter-related! 
(This show was postponed and is currently incomplete either released next year or as a lost episode.)

### The Lost Tapes Of Dameus The Interviewer

August Evans stumbles over some lost interview tapes of himself as Dameus interviewing podcasting celebrities - might it bring back his past or affect him in a quite unexpected way!?!

This post and all other contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2023