Friday, February 21, 2014



Hello beasties,

Just a short post this week, but I have another new but daft poem to share with you!

Next week, I hope I'll have a bit more to tell you about some of the new projects that I've been working on...

So more soon... Enjoy the new poem!

Yeti hugs,

Paul xx


When the singer lost her song –
Ah! She was just a little miffed...
No matter quite how hard she tried –
Even a murmur wouldn't shift...
She couldn't croak a bloomin' note –
She failed to meet the lowest grade...
Oh, there was no chance of a tune;
No... Let alone a serenade!
She really tried her very best –
She nearly turned her poor hair grey...
She stood there shaking on the stage –
Her fans just stared back in dismay!

When the singer lost her song –
She was so deeply mortified...
She stomped her dainty little feet –
Then swore aloud until she cried!
Of all the times and all the places...
To have lost her greatest skill!
Was there no way to get it back?
No health restoring magic pill!
What could she do or ever say?
The bitter truth; she lacked a voice!
Now that her song had sadly gone...
She couldn't very well rejoice!
When the singer lost her song –
She kept on searching high and low...
It wasn't tucked inside her shoes;
Lost in some murky undertow!
A fiery dragon hadn't chewed it -
It hadn't floated up to space!
Had she got drunk and maybe sold it?
This made her blush; oh, such disgrace!
She really hoped it might have called her –
To tell her where it might be trapped!
She sent a blood hound on the trail –
But no...
Soon her patience truly snapped...
When the singer lost her song –
She placed an ad there in the press...
In the hope it would return –
Would it succeed? She dare not guess!
Still, very soon there came a noise –
The sound of footsteps on the stairs...
Oh, what a very quick response –
She was taken quite, quite unawares!
T'was such a beautiful reunion...
Between the mistress and her song...
T'was the most joyous of occasions –
But there was still something slightly wrong...
Although her voice returned to her...
Now with a song to call her own!
She is no longer a soprano...
But more a bass or baritone!

All Contents of this Post are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2014. WHEN THE SINGER LOST HER SONG appears in A YETI WAY OF THINKING, to be published later this year.