Friday, December 02, 2022



Hello beasties!

This time on the blog we'll be looking at the episodes of the podcast released during November 2022...

First up, we have a range of interesting and intriguing conversations with all manner of different guests!


Here we are for episode 585!  In which we dip into the lives of regulars via overheard messages and one or two guests also drop in! Mr Yeti and Cuthbert The Robot are here, of course - but our special guests this episode include Cromitty, Deeley, Muffleyontour, Canadian Ryan, Calum, Nick and Aly, Yeti Uncle John, Big Fatty, Paul's mum and dad, Toppie Smellie and many more!! Our next episode #586 sees us excitedly trying to find out more about Yeti Uncle John's new mystery beau... Email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 585 was recorded between the 3rd September and 22nd October 2022 - with some Toppie chat from June 2022 and Sutton Park clips from episode #2183 from early June 1998. The Big Fatty Online clips came from episodes #3831 (12.10.22) and #3833 (14.10.22); thanks to Big Fatty! Cuthbert's brief cameo was recorded on the 1st November 2022.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up, we have a mystery for you - and it involves Yeti Uncle John's new beau!


Here we are for episode 586! In which Cromitty overhears a conversation that starts a whole lot of rumours circulating! Is it true? Does Yeti Uncle John have a new significant other in his life!? This episode also features some Sutton Park from 1998 and a new yeti composition called A LITTLE RHYTHM. Thanks also to Toppie Smellie from The Smellcast for his guest star cameo in this edition! Our next show, #587 sees Nick back on the show and this time Paul is introducing him to Muffleyontour for the very first time. What ever will they discuss? Do please join us if you can! Email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 586 was recorded between the 22nd and 26th of July 2022. Our Sutton Park clips come from episodes 2184 and 2185 from early June 1998.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Next up, Paul and Nick have a chat with Muffleyontour about all manner of subjects!


Here we are for episode 587! In which Muffleyontour returns to the show to chat with Paul and to properly meet Nick for the first time; there are lots of chats on offer - from creative projects and the problems that are sometimes encountered - to theatre, film making and general geekery... Our next episode, #588 sees Uncle Warren coming to visit - to discuss old TV but also to have a few words with two of our regular team! Email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 587 was recorded on Saturday 5th November 2022.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, Warren is back to discuss some old TV and to have some stern words with two of our regulars!


Here we are for episode 588! In which Uncle Warren comes to have a word with Yeti Uncle John and Cromitty about their somewhat toxic relationship and Paul also talks to him about some vintage TV; this time our years are 1969 and 1981! Our next episode, #589 sees us joining Paul to celebrate his birthday, only - guess what - things do not go to plan! Do join us! Email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 588 was recorded on the 22nd September 2022.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, Paul has big plans for his birthday - but somebody does not want the celebrations to work out!


Here we are for episode 589! In which we Paul plans a special birthday Chatterbox with 100 guests but someone is planning to spoil it because they don't think that they're getting enough attention; could it be Yeti Uncle John or maybe somebody completely different!? Thanks to our special guests this episode - Lisa Parker and Andrew Trowbridge from Round The Archives, also to Muffleyontour, Nick Goodman and my parents - not to mention cameos from Martin Holmes (Vision On Sound), Warren Cummings (The Cinematic Sausage) and Toppie Smellie from The Smellcast. In our next show, #590 we continue to be worried about Tallulah who still isn't acting normally after the alarming events of Bettina's summer garden party! Email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 589 was recorded between the 8th and the 12th November 2022, with some Toppie Smellie chat from June 2022. Cuthbert's cameo was recorded on the 14th and 1th of November 2022. Th6anks to Big Fatty for use of the clips from episode 3852 of Big Fatty Online, released on 10.11.22. This edition also features an exclusive new composition by Muffleyontour called GOFF which comes in around the 146.45 mark.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, Tallulah has been acting a increasingly strangely ever since the alarming events of Bettina's garden party - what can be done to help get her back to her usual self?


Here we are for episode 590! In which Sniffy Martin has noticed that his mother, Tallulah has been acting increasingly strangely since Bettina's garden party - her personality is VERY different from her usual self! Can Paul, Cromitty and Yeti Uncle John learn exactly why!? We also have some scenes originally recorded for episode #589 that we didn't have time to include - not to mention an exclusive Muffley-tune called RETURN OF HERB! Our next show, #591 finds us taking a trip through time with Lisa Parker from Round The Archives - we're going to meet some very odd people indeed! Please email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 590 was recorded between the 29th June and the 14th July 2022. Our additional material was recorded on the 12th November 2022 and Cuthbert's linking material was recorded on the 18th of November 2022. Thank you once again to Andrew T and Lisa P from Round The Archives and also to Muffleyontour and A for their appearances! 

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, Lisa P takes Mr Yeti on a little jaunt through history - there are some very odd folk out there!


Here we are for episode 591! In which Mr T. isn't feeling well when Paul comes to visit and so Lisa offers to take Mr Yeti off on a spot of time travelling using the new app on her phone. Where EVER will they end up? We also have a few unused scenes and behind the curtain chats with a number of our recent guests! We also have a some yeti music which we don't think we've shared before; it's entitled AMBIENT DREAMS. Big thanks to Andrew T and Lisa P from Round The Archives for their help with this episode; not to mention additional applause to Martin Holmes from Vision On Sound, Uncle Warren from The Cinematic Sausage, Toppie Smellie from The Smellcast and Muffleyontour for their assistance via unused recordings! Additional thanks to Prince Albert, King James The 1st and Edward The Third! Our next show, #592 sees Ikk getting himself into more trouble whilst Paul is away... Do join us! Email us at if you have any comments - you can send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 591 was recorded on the 18th October 2022, with a brief cameo from Cuthbert recorded between the 22nd and 23rd of November 2022.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, Cromitty reminds Paul of an occasion where Ikk caused some trouble back in the summer!


Here we are for episode 592! In which Ikk gets into some trouble whilst Paul is away - can Cromitty and Yeti Uncle John help out? This time we also have some 80s film quizzes with Calum. Our next episode, #593 we stumble into yet another mystery - this one involving August Evans and where he has been vanishing off to. Please join us! Email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. This episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 592 was recorded on the 5th July 2022, with quizzes from Calum recorded on the 14th August 2022. Cuthbert's cameos were recorded between the 18th and 26th November 2022. Thanks also to Big Fatty for the clips from Big Fatty Online from episodes 3806 and 3807, released on the 7th and 8th September 2022.
This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:

Next up, Paul uncovers a secret concerning August Evans - he's been telling people that he's been visiting Pickle Hollow but in fact he's been going elsewhere... but WHERE and WHY!?!


Here we are for episode 593! In which Paul uncovers a secret concerning August Evans - he's been telling people that he's been visiting Pickle Hollow to organise a big exhibition of his paintings but in actual fact he's been going somewhere else... but WHERE exactly and WHY!? We also have two 80s film and TV quizzes with Calum and Toppie Smellie also makes an extra special guest appearance during our Pickle Hollow visit! Our next episode, #594 sees Martin overjoyed to discover that he has won a prestigious prize; but WHAT is it all for!? Email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 593 was recorded between the 22nd and 29th of July 2022, with our Calum quiz recorded on the 14th August 2022. Cuthbert's introduction was recorded on the 18th November 2022.

This episode can be downloaded on iTunes, Acast, Podbean and also from Soundcloud at the following link:


Before I go I should announce that the book that Nick and I have been mentioning for years now is finally out. It's called A WOMAN FOR ALL REASONS and here is the cover.

More details can be found at: A WOMAN FOR ALL REASONS (

Here is an appearance that I made on another podcast this month:

Vision On Sound - discussing Comedy Dramas in my own TV Museum!

More Shy Life Podcast Merch on Redbubble:

That's all for now...

Take care - more soon,

Yeti hugs,

Paul (aka Shy Yeti) xx


December is here now and we have lots of new episodes in the pipe-line! Our schedule list does tend to change every time I post, but right about now this is a pretty good guide to the episodes that we are hoping to release over the next few months; anyway - take a look at what else we have in store...

December 2022

594. Sniffy Martin's Magnificent Prize!

In which Sniffy Martin has won a prize.. is it real or might he just be the butt of some joke!?!

595. Bettina Comes Crashing Down! (Part One)

When Bettina suffers a fall during some DIY Paul and the gang are faced with a bit of a dilemma!

596. Bettina Comes Crashing Down! (Part Two)

Bettina is still not completely recovered from her fall - in fact she thinks it's still the 1970s and 80s!

597. Happy YUJness Day!

Christmas has been banned this year and instead we have YUJ-ness Day; a time to celebrate Yeti Uncle John!! Who on earth thought of that idea!?! Meanwhile, Paul and Calum have a ride on a steam train!

598. The Mystery Of August's Box!

Bettina and Paul drag Toppie into their investigations to locate the box that August brought back when he recently disappeared for a weekend!

599. Yeti Uncle John's Alarming Phobia!

Yeti Uncle John has been suffering with his fructophobia and Paul is determined to help him!

600. Happy New Year! Magpies, Phoenixes, Fear Of Fruit And Demonic Possession!

Yeti Uncle John's is feeling a little under the weather having encountered some toffee apples at the local fair which has triggered his fructophobia once again! Meanwhile, his magpie's have gotten a bit too big for their boots following their involvement in driving away the Yoga Vampires and becoming bestselling artists. Paul calls Albert The Dragon in to give him some tuition - although Albert's experience with phoenixes only confuses matters! Meanwhile, Charlie Grrr gets confused when he thinks Magpies are a type of luxury pie and decides to launch a new "phoenix pie" which causes much controversy - is it made of real phoenix?!! Albert is up in arms! This all coincides with trouble from the Police as some local Magpies are blamed with stealing in the area - but YUJ is certain it is not HIS Magpies; but how can he clear the names of his gang especially when they've not yet had their naming ceremonies? Can Paul deal with all these problems as well as everything else that is going on !? Oh... and it also looks as if one of the regulars might be possessed by a demon... Will paracetamol help? YIKES!! WHATEVER NEXT!?!

601. Shy Yeti's Review Of 2022!

In which we look back over The Shy Life Podcast episodes released during 2022!

January 2023

602. Shy Yeti's New Year Chatterbox!

In which the Chatterbox gang catch up to welcome in 2023!

603. Paul And Martin's Mid-70s Chit-Chat!

In which Paul and Martin discuss some of the big stars of 1975 and what their careers held in store!

604. Seven Short Clues And One Missing Calum!

When Calum doesn't show up for their regular fortnightly Zoom chat all that Paul and Cromitty are left with are seven short video messages which could give them a clue as to what happened to him...

605. The Two Faces Of Coconut Jim!

In which Uncle Warren comes to visit and to chat about old TV - whilst Cromitty bumps into Yeti Uncle John and his friend Coconut Jim... twice... It's weirder than it sounds!

606. The August 2022 Random Words Episode!

In which Paul and Nick discuss a few more random words! It's confession time!!

607. The Britpop Episode!

In which Paul, Calum and Harry discuss Britpop - the musical UK phenomena of the 1990s!

608. Shy Yeti's Night Of Gaming...

Paul tries to have an old-fashioned night of games - but it doesn't all quite go to plan...

609. The Unruly Avenger!

Paul unearths a story that he wrote 30 years ago and shares it with the listeners...

February 2023

610. Behind The Scenes - More Filming In The 90s / 00s!!

Paul looks back at how he used to film Sutton Park behind the scenes on some of Nick's films - with clips from Nick's from the 90s/00s and what Paul was recording too. 

611. FOUND!! Lost Gems From The Yeti Archives!

In which Paul and Nick discuss lost tapes from the Yeti archives which have recently been uncovered!

612. Tallulah's Great New Love! (Valentine's Day 2023)

Tallulah is in love - but with a strange supernatural being who has come to work for her; can it be trusted?

613. The Songbirds Return!

Late last year Paul and Harry met up to do some singing - here are the results!

614. Paul And Martin's 2nd Mid-70s Chit-Chat!

In which Paul and Martin discuss some more of the big stars of 1975 and 1976! It's a natter-fest!

615. A Collection Of Nick And Paul Chats!

Mr Yeti collects up a number of chats on TV, Youtube and their video collections which were recorded back during lockdown but which have not previously been released!

616. More Randomness From Paul And Nick!

In which Paul and Nick deal with all manner of randomness! (Recorded November 2022)

617. Two Views Of The Same Week! (1990 Version)

In which Paul and Nick both peek into their 1990 diaries to see what they were both up to!

### Additionally:

The following episodes are ones that I have been considering to record for quite some time - although there are a lot more in the planning stage that may be recorded first1

### Another Trip Back To 2020!

Paul shares some of the previously unheard chats with some of his guests about the episodes released during 2020. This episode is already partially recorded!

### Shy Yeti's Miscellaneous Poetting!

Cuthbert goes back into the archives to explore more select nuggets from some of Paul's poetry videos!

### Haunt-club And The Virtual Reality Dinosaur! 

Jay comes visiting once again with Aragog - who is ready to do another quiz. Meanwhile Cromitty has completed Jay's virtual reality dinosaur, but is still a little jealous of how Jay and Yeti Uncle John continually flirt!

### Nick And Paul's TV Chat! (A Flashback To September 2020!) 

This time we're looking back a few months to September 2020 - to see how then compares with now. Nick and Paul chat about some recently watched TV and also about their friends - with a few clips from Sutton Park to stir it all around! This episode is already partially recorded!

### A Trip Back To Mister Yeti's 30th Birthday!

On the eve of his 49th birthday Ikk takes Paul back to a party from 2003 where Paul was surprised soon after he turned 30! This episode is already partially recorded!

### The Continuing Mysteries Of Ethel The Landlady!

Last year Paul received some postcards from Ethel posted in 1993 which appears to offer solutions to what may have occurred to her! Might it finally be time to ask Ikk to return us to 1992 so that we can speak with the lady herself!?

### Toppie And Yeti On Round The Archives - 2!

This episode we're cheating a bit and sharing some old Round The Archives articles that Paul and Toppie worked on in the hope that if you've not heard them then maybe you'll try out RTA itself! 
This episode is already partially recorded!

We also have this episode which - for the time being - will only be released if the show needs to end:

### The Second Last Shy Life Podcast Episode

This is our Second attempt at a last episode of The Shy Life Podcast... Might it be real this time!? It was recorded back in April 2022 and will remain in the archives for a good while yet!

These ones have been started but may never be completed because so much time has passed...

### The Curse Of The Halloween Machine!

Mysterious things are going on as the Halloween Machine is re-activated...

### You'd Be A Fool To Ban Easter!

This episode is sort of April Fool and Easter-related! 
(This show was postponed and is currently incomplete either released next year or as a lost episode.)

### The Lost Tapes Of Dameus The Interviewer

August Evans stumbles over some lost interview tapes of himself as Dameus interviewing podcasting celebrities - might it bring back his past or affect him in a quite unexpected way!?!

This post and all other contents are Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022