Thursday, December 21, 2006
Just a quick post to say hello and a happy christmas and a marvellously poetic new year!!!
Just a quick update on the writing. I'm just back from a few days in Venice and whilst I was away came up with another three poems, one of which I'll be posting below. I have now completed approximately 30 poems towards RHYMES BEARS STEAL PIES FOR, with approximately 20 more poems to be written. I'm off down to Dorset for New Year and if I get as prolific as I did when I was in Cornwall last year then the book should be ready by the spring. But we'll have to see. I'm not going to rush anything.
Meanwhile, elsewhere - I'm devoting most of my writing time to working on Mouse of Commons novels - more of which can be read about at I've also been taking a lot of photos - for the novels and also for RHYMES, in the same style as I went for with POEMS TO MAKE BEARS GROWL. This time I'm stepping back and Charlie Grrr will be writing all the comments for the poems - although I'll probably drop him the odd fact or two on the way.
Anyway - here's a new one - an exclusive from my trip to Venice - although there's not even the slightest Italian whisper of a theme that I can see... Ah well!!
Seasons Greetings! More in 2007!! Thanks again to everyone who has supported me in 2006.
Christmas hugs.
Paul xx
If you’re feeling a little bit under the weather –
If you’re lacking that get up and go…
If you’re not in the mood to make trouble…
Then there’s something that you ought to know!
There is something to cure all your blues, now!
Which may be quite a shocking surprise…
The meaning of life wrapped in pastry!
A gravy soaked pleasure, sweet pies!!
If you’re feeling a tad kinda woosy…
If you’re feeling a bit over-awed…
If you’re trying to smile and be jolly!
But you’re feeling quite frankly, a fraud!
If you’re lost and you need some direction…
Then you need only look into my eyes!
The solution to all of your problems…
Is pies – yes, it’s pies – lovely pies!!!
If the news you’ve received ain’t appealing…
If you’re feeling that life’s quite a bore!
I’ll assure you, you’re quite incorrect, see…
My advice you just cannot ignore!!
Should you judge that your days aren’t worth living…
I will prove that those thoughts they are lies…
That you’ll find you a brand new beginning –
Just try devoting your future to pies!!
If you’re unsure of the route you’ve been taking…
If you’re curious to try something new…
I’d suggest try a nice Cornish pasty!
Or a fair suet sponge, Irish stew?
There is nothing that cannot be cured now…
A life changing decision, so wise…
Yes, an idol that won’t disappoint you…
Just one word and that word, yes – it’s PIES!!!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
In tribute to the Great, Never Late Charlie Grrr - on the first anniversary of his arrival into our little community. I am posting the poem that I wrote about him that appeared in my last collection of verse, POEMS TO MAKE BEAR'S GROWL.
I hope you enjoy it.
You will also find further postings on the subject on Charlie's website
There will be more poems soon and I hope to include a few on this site in the next couple of months.
Best Yeti hugs,
Paul x
Down in Surrey Quays...
Where they grow sweet peas...
There lives a bear named Charlie!
He's a clever bear -
With his swept back hair -
And an allergy to barley!
With his big friendly paws...
In coded morse he snores...
But it sounds just like he's purring...
No, he is never mean...
He is extremely clean...
In fact his shower needs de-furring!
He's the sort of bear you warm to...
'Cos he's got a lot of pies...
When he's on a secret mission...
Yes, he wears a new disguise!
But you'll never catch him napping -
When he's meant to be at work!
No, cos he's got a moral conscience -
For he's a bear and NOT a berk!!
Oh, fish can be quite fishy...
And owls are often owlly!
But men are men -
And bears are bears -
And both can get real growlly!
Down in London Town...
Where the bears are brown!
Although some have fur that's yellow!
Charlie knows them all -
'Cos they come to call!
To ask advice or just say "Hello!"
Chuck's a wise old sage...
'Cos he's twice their age -
And he's seen the cards life's dealing!
He'll always get them calm...
They never come to harm...
Even if climbing on the ceiling!!
He's the sort of bear you'll talk to...
'Cos he's bought cream cake for tea!
And he makes delicious milkshake -
And gives it all away for free!!
But who is there for Charlie...
When he's down, who does he phone?
"Well, I'm never sad!" laughs Charlie -
Because I'm never left alone!!”
Oh, cubs are very bossy -
And some bears are hard to bear!
But Charlie isn't one of them...
Always busy in his lair!!
Away, across the seas...
From old Surrey Quays!
Lives the family of Charlie...
His dear sister Jean, a top marine -
And his mad Uncle, Nephtali...
Oh, he's a trifle weird!
With his massive beard...
But he cooks a mean spaghetti!!
But you should see his Ma...
The hairiest bear, by far...
Well, she looks more like a Yeti!!
Back home where he was hatch-ed!
He used to live a life of fame!
He couldn't move for all his fans -
And everybody knew his name!!
No need for living in the forest...
What a horrid place to roam...
When you've a cottage in the country -
And a stylish mobile home!!!
Charlie's happy being Charlie!!
Is there none else he'd rather be?
“I once dreamt I was a spacebear...
But no, I'm quite happy I was ME...”
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Just a quick photo from the book launch for MOUSE IN A BOTTLE last friday. There are more photos on The Mouse Of Commons site It also became a bit of party to celebrate POEMS TO MAKE BEARS GROWL in the end - in fact there may well be more photos of us clutching that particular book than MOUSE IN A BOTTLE!!!
Never mind - it was a great night, despite the rain and I definitely plan to do some sort of launch for the next book.
As for poems - I'm in the middle of writing a new one for the next collection, which is called COLD-HEARTED KITTEN KILLER!!!!
Next post I'll definitely put one of the new ones up - as well as post the new cover for THIRD & 4TH TIME LUCKY!!!
At the moment there are two versions of the new cover - this is a link to one of them in the unlikely case that you can't wait!
Anyway - poetic hugs, for now!!
Paul xx
Thursday, August 10, 2006
In addition to the news about the latest Mouse of Commons book, you may like to know that the paperback version of my first poetry book Junk/Food - Rollercoaster now sports a new cover. (See above photos)
Junk/Food-Rollercoaster is a compilation of my first two books which were originally self-published and produced back in 2001 and 2002. The first version available on Lulu, sported covers that Lulu made available on their site, but which were not necessarily unique to that book (ie: anyone else using Lulu could put them on their book too - or at least use the photo as a template.)
The covers that I have now used, initially on the Paperback - but within the next couple of days, allso on the hardback, are photos that were taken by me, last week whilst on a "working" holiday in Anglesea, Wales!!! ;-) (When I say working I mean writing loads of stuff and taking loads of photos for books - so it was as far away from work as you can possibly imagine. It was just great!!!)
Anyway, a lot of you probably have copies of this book - but anyway - you might still like to check out the cover, as I'm quite proud of it! :-)
Hope you like the new covers!!
Excited yeti hugs,
Paul xx
PS Whilst away last week I wrote 5 news poems - among them, GRANNY ERNESTINA AND SUPERSTAR BOUDOIR and two others about bears! Surprise! Surprise!! More about these next post - but so far I have 20 new poems completed for the next book and a good deal of the photographs that will be going into it. Hopefully I'll post one of the new ones on here next time too.
Gladstone McWhiskers says hi too! That's the mouse in the picture, if you haven't guessed. Thanks very much to Neph for doing such a great job!!
Anyway, a change from poetry books this time - it's finally time to announce the "birth" tomorrow, Friday 11th August 2006 of yet another new delivery in the Chandler book range!!!
As mentioned in previous post - the book is called Mouse In A Bottle and it's the second Mouse of Commons novel.
Once again, it features Gladstone McWhiskers - The Mouse of Commons and his assistants Ollie Louse and Bell. It was originally written at the same time as the first novel, back in 2000, but was then lost for 5 years. Here it has been unearthed, proudly dusted off and presented for your delictation! :-) MOUSE IN A BOTTLE tells the tale of a mysterious blue bottle in an antique shop - a small boy possessed by an evil spirit - an fiendish nemesis from the dim and distant past and a threat that could wipe out Gladstone McWhiskers, the current Mouse of Commons - once and for all.
You can take a look at the two books on the following links:
This is the Paperback version, at £7.99.
This is the Hardback version, at £13.99.
I'd just like to thank Lisa Parker and Andrew Trowbridge for the stirling work they did on proof-reading the book - and they've just confirmed that they're happy to do the next one too! Yay!! (See more later in this post!!)
I have been trying to keep the prices of the books on nice and round - but unfortunately the exchange rate keeps changing and so that the ones that I nicely calculated at exact amounts last week are now all odd prices! (ie: Effectively they're actually cheaper in pounds than they were a week or two ago!)
Hopefully we should have some photos from tomorrows mini-book launch to post on here early next week.
Oh - and finally - the other news is that as of yesterday, the third Mouse of Commons book MOUSE IN BEAR'S CLOTHING was sent off to Lisa and Andrew for final proof-reading. I am now working on finishing edits of MOUSE TALES AND MICE TAILS and am about five chapters into GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS AND THE MOUSES OF PARLIAMENT which will be available by the new year.
That's it for now!!!
Mouse Commonsly hugs to you all!
Paul :-) x
Saturday, July 29, 2006
As it's the last EVER episode of TOP OF THE POPS on Sunday (which quite frankly is a crime!) I am posting up one of my favourite poems from last year's POETIQUETTE collection.
Paul xx
No, they never thought I’d do it…
They considered me a waste…
They all dismissed my talent –
But they did so now, in haste…
Now they feel stupid that they dissed me -
Now they want to make amends…
Yes, they want to tell their neighbours -
That we’re really good friends!
Now, they say they really missed me…
Well, they’re talking total tripe!
They don’t even like my music…
No, they’ve just fallen for the hype!
Still, I want them to see me…
I want them to know…
That I’m high in the charts…
On their telly, “Hello?!”
I want them to stare at me…
See my face on the sleeve…
I want them to gape at me –
Yeah – ‘til they really believe…
They thought I was nothing…
One of life’s funny flops…
So, now I want them to see me…
On Top Of The Pops…
No, they didn’t think I’d make it…
Laughed at me until were hoarse…
Yes, they thought that shelf stacking –
Was my only Tour-de-force…
Hell! They never thought I’d do it…
Up there, with the starry few!
The only line-up I was fit for -
Was the unemployment queue…
They took bets that I would lose it…
Be the first to flounder - drown…
But now my face is on a billboard -
And it’s all over town!!
Well, I want them to see me…
Yes, I want them to sigh…
I may well be polite…
Nod my head and say “Hi…”
I want them to notice me…
There on Parkinson’s lap…
Dressed only in tinsel –
And my usual slap!
Yes, they thought I was nothing…
One of life’s foolish fops…
Come on – let them see me…
There on Top Of The Pops…
Oh, they love to claim we made it…
And say their help was quite a plus…
That we only made the big time…
Because of all they did for us…
What about when things were crappy?
And we were sliding with despair…
When we couldn’t sell a ticket…
Guess what… They weren’t there!
No – they only want to know us…
Now our luck has changed for good!
They expect us to be welcoming…
Like there was hope we ever would!
How, I love when they see me…
Yes, it’s true I confess…
Know they wish they were me…
Simmer jealously, “Bless!”
I want them to dress like me…
Whilst adoration grows strong!
I want them to see me –
Before it starts to go wrong!
Want them to know I was something…
Before EVERYTHING stops…
Be quite sure they’ve all seen me…
On Top Of The Pops…
Oh yes, I want them to see me on Top of the Pops…
I really want them to see me on Top of the Pops…
But what if they’re shocked and each foolish heart stops?
Can’t say that I care…
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Another post and so soon!! This one isn't from the new book - POEMS TO MAKE BEARS GROWL - but there will be another poem posted from that soon.
This one is hot off the press and will probably be included in my next collection which is called RHYMES BEARS STEAL PIES FOR which won't be out until late 2006/early 2007 - depending on how many new poems I come up with over the next few months.
The picture included here is of my 6-month old niece, Alena and myself, taken on Saturday 8th July - the same day this new poem was written. It will not surprise you to learn that the poem was also inspired by our meeting.
Anyway - it's quite a sweet little ditty and I hope you'll enjoy it! :-)
Paul xx
PS Thanks to my Dad, Michael Chandler for the photo of Alena and I!!
Girls like Alena love poems like these…
Poems that zoom by and rattle your knees!
Poems that tickle and make you feel glad…
That don’t tell your mum if you’ve done something bad!
Poems of bunnies who wear fancy shoes…
Poems of princesses covered in oooooze!
Tales of adventure – where no-one stays clean!
Poems that rhyme – well, I’ve written umpteen!
Girls like a poem – that gives them a thrill…
As long as it’s safe and does not make you ill!
A poem that shimmers, but cannot be caught!
A poem that towers or one that’s just short!
A poem that sings to you - gives out a grin!
One that won’t growl please, and nibble your chin!
These are things girls can cherish, could I be any plainer?!
Yes I know! I am sure! ‘Cos I asked sweet Alena…
Girls like Alena like poems like this…
Nicer than sweets or a teddy bear’s kiss!
Poems with words in that cuddle you close!
Poems that cure you from feeling morose!
One of life’s giggles – a warm summer glow!
To be worn everyday in your hair like a bow!
Poems like these should be handed out free…
But I’ve bills that need paying – so please think of me!
Girls like a poem that promises smiles –
Not one that coughs or will give people piles!
Rhymes just like icecream – that cause you to melt!
Not ones that are silent – or ones that once smelt!
Poems that whoosh and are set to explode…
Are what young ladies like – not a well boring ode!
Yes, a poem that’s fizzy – and makes you insaner!!
If you need any proof – well just ask sweet Alena!! xx
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
I thought I'd just post up another poem from the new collection: POEMS TO MAKE BEARS GROWL that was released in three formats on in late May, this year.
This one is called Alternative Lifestyles and is about - well - um - alternative lifestyles really!
I hope you enjoy it!
I've been busy proof reading three Mouse of Commons novels, of late. The first: MOUSE IN A BOTTLE is out at the beginning of August, with the next two MOUSE IN BEAR'S CLOTHING and MOUSE TALES AND MICE TAILS available in the early autumn. A 4th new Mouse book GLADSTONE MCWHISKERS AND THE MOUSE OF PARLIAMENT is currently being written and is expected to be available by Christmas.
On top of all this I have been writing new verse when the mood takes me and have currently written another dozen or so new pieces which I will discuss a little more in my next post. I can reveal that the collection will be edited, once again, by Charlie Grrr and has the provisional title of RHYMES BEARS STEAL PIES FOR. It will contain a new series of photos, some of which have been taken already and many which will be taken over the next six months. I'm hoping that the collection would be ready for the New Year - but that really depends on whether I get the time and the ideas. I won't put anything into print I'm not proud of - so we'll see.
Enjoy the poem - more soon!
Paul xx
Oh, there isn't a sure way of living...
No, there is nothing that's set out in stone...
If you want to get wed to your toaster...
That's a decision you make on your own…
If you'd like to cry out "Hallelujah!" -
If you fancy to grow bouffant hair...
I'll not judge should you swim the Sahara...
No, I assure you I’m terribly fair…
I'll not TUT if I hear you've gone loopy...
I'll not mind should you howl at the moon...
Re: my view on the talent you're snaring...
I'd not object should you date a baboon!
Should you fashion a new way of living…
That involves you to juggle with bees...
You'll not hear me protest - no complaining...
Should you run off to live in the trees...
I'll not freak out because you are different...
I'll not scream at the top of my voice...
I am happy for you to be whacko...
I respect being barmy's your choice...
I'll not faint if I hear you've been slutty!
I'll not bawl or just sit there and pout...
Though I may feel a teensy bit jealous...
If I missed it - and you left me out...
If you wanna go live on a rainbow...
If you rather like playing the fool...
I'll not chide if your taste is appalling...
I'll not laugh at your loud pink kagoule!
I'd not shriek should you get a new tattoo!
And quite frankly it scared me to bits...
If you intend to make history by knitting...
Please just do so - don't ever say quits!
If you fancy hand-gliding with emus...
If you'd simply adore not to floss...
If you'd like to become a banana...
Go ahead now and do it – you’re boss...
So, you've planned out your own rules for living...
Alternative lifestyles suit only a few...
But you're cool and you have your own vision...
One loud cheer that you chose some way new...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
FINALLY!! Rather later than expected!!
This post is just to let you know - that after almost a year I finally have a new book of poetry released and available on
This volume is called POEMS TO MAKE BEARS GROWL and contains over 50 poems and photographs. We are proud to announce it is also guest edited by Beargrrrian celebrity, Charlie Grrr - who is also on the cover.
Here's a sample of one of the poems from this collection:
A night on the town with a Yeti...
Signposts trouble I'm sure you will find!
You may think it sounds quite entertaining...
But I tell you it's simply a bind...
Yeti folk they can be so unruly...
Slightly clumsy or foolish at best...
When things don't work out in their favour -
They go bleak and then get all depressed!
A night on the town with a Yeti...
Has been known to spin out of control...
If you do not allow for some planning...
You may dig yourself into a hole!
You may drink too much booze in a hurry...
See the world slipping into a blur...
Waking up the next day in a gutter...
To find some bugger has stolen your fur!!
A night on the town with a Yeti...
Can be quite a large pain in the paw...
Should he suffer a bad upset belly -
He may let out a loud mighty roar!
No-one wants to play nurse to a Yeti...
Or be expected to pick up the tab!
Due to the after effects of a curry...
Or because he’s eaten a dodgy kebab...
A night on the town with such Yeti...
Only leads to a dismal despair...
Even worse than high tea with a badger...
Or a booze-sodden Stag with a bear...
More scary than chain-smoking squirrels -
Or a buffet lunch shared with a mule...
If a Yeti sees something - he'll have it...
And then cover you promptly in drool!
Never go out on the razzle with Yeti...
Just remember these words I advise...
Try avoiding the debris and vomit...
And the flakey bake pastry of pies...
It's a terrible waste of good dinner...
And to throw it about is just foul...
Just don't mention the fact to a Yeti...
Or he'll give out a hangover growl...
Don’t attempt a night out with a Yeti...
They are beasties it's best to avoid!
You will feel your stress levels all rising!
You are sure to get quite paranoid...
Why not stick to a snack with a bunny...
Or with mice take a fresh cup of tea...
But, if you must paint the town red with a Yeti...
Please then do so - just don't invite me!
The new book's available in 3 different versions to fit every pocket (except for one with holes in...):
Version 1: Paperback size, black and white. The regular version. Approx £8.
Version 2: Paperback, colour. Approx £15
Version 3: Hardback, colour. Approx £25.
It is also available to download for about £3.
Coming In June: MOUSE IN A BOTTLE - the 2nd Mouse of Commons story, written in 2000 and only now available for the first time in print.
The third Mouse of Commons story: MOUSE IN BEAR'S CLOTHING and a collection of short stories MOUSE TALES AND MICE TAILS should also be available by July/August.
Check out the site, even if you don't intend to buy a copy - there are lots of other interesting books, cds and allsorts on the site.
All the best and growls from Charlie.
Paul :-)
Monday, January 23, 2006
I'm pleased to announce that the release of my next book of poems is about a month away! There's no exact release date yet, but I'm busy putting the finished touches to the book - taking photos and getting comments on the finished selection from our guest editor, Charlie Grrr (see photo above!)
The new book, as I've mentioned before, is called POEMS TO MAKE BEARS GROWL and should be available to buy in ultra snazzy form from very soon. It is also possible to buy copies from me if you let me know in advance, but I'll have to charge you the postage it cost me to get them over to me. Anyway - more details when I have them.
This book sees a change in that there should be a lot of black and white photos to illustrate the poems, taken by myself and my friend Neph and featuring Charlie and friends. I am hoping that there will also be a full colour hardback edition of this book - but that might depend on the cost of producing it. The last photoshoot for the book took place on Saturday and Sunday 21st/22nd of January 2006 down by the woods and canals of Byfleet and New Haw and was very successful. The last poem written for the book was also completed last week and I present it for you here.
It's a rather silly piece called ADVERT FOR A TRAINEE SEX SYMBOL...
I hope you enjoy it!
Bye for now!
Paul x
Good day! I'm volunteering,,,
I'm a trustworthy trainee!
I have come about the job...
For it is what I'd like to be!
I couldn't be a superhero -
Because I'm really rather shy!
Whilst there's also the slight problem -
That I never learnt to fly...
But, it's a post that I'm prepared for!
For this position I was born!
I wanna be the next sex symbol...
Although I'm not cut out for porn!
I couldn't be the people's champion...
Or some ambassador devine...
But the role of Top Sex Symbol...
Well, that'd really suit me fine!
I've got a really cool persona -
And a trendy pair of slacks!
I am always on the go -
And I don't take time off to relax!!
I've got a smile to simply melt them...
And a laugh they will adore...
I don't smoke or drink or sleep around -
And neither do I snore!! (yeah right!)
I'm told I've got the sort of eyebrows...
That makes the girls-slash-boys go weak!
I've got baby blues that tempt you...
And say, "Hey hun, come take a peak!"
I've got dimples some would die for...
A hairy chest they'd like to lick!
And I'm not exactly fat!
But I'd not describe me as a stick...
Oh and I'm quite prepared to model...
To play upon my film stars looks!
So I hope you will accept me...
Won't you please, put me on your books?
It all comes natural to me baby...
For I know exactly what to do! (YES!!)
If you stare at me for long enough -
It'll even start to work on you!!
Well sorry sir, you are mistaken...
About the position that is free!
It's not a sex symbol we're looking for-.
But another kind we'd like to see...
There are vacancies for the following...
Which you may wish to take on board!
In the hope that maybe one of them -
Might strike the magic chord!
One part time "Sex euphonium..."
One full time "Sex trombone..."
One flexible "Sex glockenspiel..."
That we can offer out on loan!
One job share "Sex maraca..."
One shift working "Sexual flute..."
One deputy "Sex trumpet..."
We are looking to recruit...
But that is all we need right now, sir...
There's no other jobs to name!
No need for One "Sex cymbal..."
Still, thanks for asking all the same!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Just to let everyone know that some of my writings are now available to by from an online site in America. For those of you who remember the spiral bound versions you'll probably be very pleasantly surprised to see an improvement in the presentation. Yes!! They now look like proper books - it's because they are! ;-)
Take a look on and then search under: PAUL CHANDLER and it should come up with a list of the ones available. Even if you're not interested in buying them it's worth having a look. A lot of the volumes are compilations of 2 of the old style volumes - so even though they seem more expensive, what with postage and packaging and the costs of putting them together, you're effectively getting two books for one anyway - so the price isn't that different from what I used to charge.
Books available so far:
My most recent collection from Spring 2005 - this was limited edition when it came out, so not many copies were dispatched. It's available in a paperback or a hardback version.
The previous volume from late 2004. Available in paperback.
A compilation of the first two collections. Available in paperback and hardback.
Is it a children's novel for adults or vice versa? Who cares - it's for anyone to enjoy and it was my first children's novel written back in 2000! It's about mice, by the way - if you hadn't guessed!
Coming soon volumes 3 and 4 in one volume and the first three Shy Yeti stories in one volume!
I've also been writing loads of new poems for the next volume which is provisionally entitled POEMS TO MAKE BEARS GROWL...
Hope you get a chance to take a look at the site! :-)
Happy New Year!
Paul :-)